
I never knew jibberish proved a persons point now I do :rofl:

I understand exactly what a strawman is. A strawman is when you present the impression of refuting an argument without actually addressing the argument in question, which is exactly what you do when you move an argument about a specific rule to the global applicability of rules in totality. The need for rules is not in question; you’ve proved a point that wasn’t connected to the thread at all.

This is definitionally a strawman argument. You attempt to redefine the content of the discussion in a way that misrepresents the party you oppose, then use inconsequential arguments to refute the newly defined scope.

Nobody in this thread, not even once, questioned the need for rules in video games. The problem is with the specific outcomes of this specific rule.

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You’re the one that has no idea they made a clear strawman argument and thinks it’s logical…

See what I mean? This is why Blizzard does not take you all serious. You don’t even know basic game design, and this is more of a reason why I don’t want a game design around this community.

How many games have you developed?

Literally has nothing to do with covenants. Its not like they were all at war with each other prior to the jailer.

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It would be exactly the same way.

If our entire world was being threatened by a common enemy, and a hero like “Superman” came to help - it would be in everyone’s interests to give them the opportunity to learn and gain power necessary to defeat the common threat.

So you know what a strawman is, yet can’t understand how I used a example on what game rules are, and why I take the stance I have.

Classic way of deflecting when you are losing. The example I gave was about the rules, and it reflected on what we was talking about. How limits help the game, not hurt. And your own logic and stances can be used on all limits in the game.

Case closed, and because it ruins all of your points you all made. You can’t debate it and calling it a strawman, not fully understanding what a strawman is or how it is used.

Then why are you playing wow then ?

Games are designed for the communities that play them not just for how an individual wants them .

You know the old saying . The needs and the wants of the many out weigh the needs and the wants of the few or the one.

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Exactly - I think he’s starting to see that his arguments are weak and the result is devolving responses that don’t make sense.

I mean climate change, global warming, wars, and other systems. We send money and funds to help. but we don’t let nations have our power. It is not the same at all.

The story makes sense, these people are ancient, and have systems in place that they don’t change much because you are rare.

What systems?

And this derailing response has to do with the topic of this thread how ?

You give yourself way more power than you think you have.

That’s the only way this person can argue. Deflect and be willfully obtuse.

How they run things? The rules they set in each world?

Also lets just toss to the side your logic and saying story does not support it. Who says the story won’t change later to support it? maybe it is a mystery that will get explain later? Either way, the story reason does not help your cause much.

So we got the self control and story out of the way. Any other reasons besides you don’t like it you want covs to be easily swappable?

No, still a self control issue.


Your posts are utter nonsense. You have said almost nothing regarding the specific discussion the thread represents, you speak only in broad, sweeping and irrelevant strokes. The examples you offer have literally nothing to do with the discussion at hand. You speak as if from a position of authority, yet display no semblance of understanding of the content matter.

You’re the kind of ally that people hate to have; I can see other proponents of the status quo cringe when they read what you write. I’ve had it happen to me before. It’s like “geez, do I really agree with this guy? Yikes”.

7400 posts into the thread and you still don’t understand at a basic level what your opposition is actually asking for. Nobody, at all, asked for covenants to be easily swappable. We want player power separated from Covenants. Covenants currently need to be swappable BECAUSE they are tied to player power. If they weren’t, Covenants could be more permanent than they are now.


LMAO wait wait wait. So i counter your points. Answer your questions. Proved you wrong time and time again. It is strawman, deflecting, and willfully obtuse?

Well if all my stances kept getting debunked and proved wrong. I guess I would do the same way. This is just silly.

Yes, because they’re going to change the entire story halfway into the xpac. GENIUS!!!

Those are still fully in the way. Lmao.

You still have time to climb out of this hole you’ve fallen into.