
Well nevermind his appointment got canceled, yay for world problems.

And I think you need to understand what a Strawman means. Giving you a example why games have rules, and limits is not a strawman. It just was to help you understand my stance.

My kid knows why rules are in place, But see you also act like you know me…but either way. I don’t like this community. So my tone toward it seems fitting for me. Just people acting like this.

That is some backwards thinking. That means that all systems should be open up and players get to pick what rules to follow because it is meaningful. Do you understand how crazy that is? Why have game rules or limits?

Using relationships also is silly. Is relationship a game? Really?

The self control thing is dead. The reason my side ignores it, because it is so silly, that I am the only one that tries to explain to you all why that stance is not a good one. Like, for real…self control?

A strawman isn’t helpful.

Trust us, we know. You say this every few posts.

More strawman.

It would be dead if you didn’t bring it up. Everyone on your side ignores it because they don’t bring it up. Only you do with your “I’d be expected to switch” nonsense. Which comes down to self control.

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I mean some restrictions make sense to an extent.

Your race and class make sense to restrict.

But what powers you use from the factions of a realm that you’re trying to save? Not so much. But ok - if they’re trying to tie meaning to loyalty to a faction, go for it. The current execution with restrctions though, it just shreds the idea of meaningful choice to pieces from an RP perspective.

It was an analogy connecting the idea of relationships (in this case the player and the covenants), restrictions, and the idea of loyalty/meaningful choice.

It may be dead to you, but it’s core to how many role-players view meaningful choices.

The covenant system as it is now takes away any meaningful to “choices” players make by restricting them with the powers tied in.

It would make more sense to detach the powers and make the covenant choice permanent.

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You really have not explained anything . All you have done is spew verbal diarrhea.


No, because you had to do extra work to acquire the other two starters. This is no different than Shadowlands… you can circumvent the choice… just level 4 characters of the same classs.

That’s what you did in pokemon, you circumvented the system. That’s what youll have to do in shadowlands too. Thanks for making my point for me.

What are you actually talking about?

You don’t gain something else. You gain nothing. You do less dps, and you gain nothing.

Please, just stop. Your point is not a point. It is nonsensical.

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You’re trying to argue your point on something that doesn’t and will not EVER exist. It’s the literal definition of a strawman.

It makes perfect sense, and the game is going to be balance around it. So I don’t see why it does not? They are tribal people. Acting like people will hold hands to a global threat and work with each other is crazy. We see examples all the time right now in the real world that I don’t want to use, but we see that people don’t work with each other over big threats. Sure we might send troops or send some aid, but total work with each other? We are tribal.

All I am saying is that, The same people who are saying self control. Are the ones saying if you don’t like flying don’t use it. Self control, and ignores the fact flying does have reflect on people who don’t do it. Like why would you slow your gameplay down? It is just a silly stance to take. (also ignores the people who use warzone what flying does to them.)

I’m just saying the self control issue noone takes serious.

Again, I am giving you a example why game rules happen. Why we are limited, and why the limits of this system are fine. That is it.

The only reason you call it a strawman is because it proves my point.

I said you seem…that is not the same as saying “you are”. I only have what you have said here to determine this by I don’t know you in RL.

Your tone is what is getting you in trouble here. No one gets heard correctly if everything they say is surrounded by a insult to the person they are speaking to.

Thus you are getting pounced here from multiple angles. perhaps try viewing the problem from multiple sides and coming up with a solution that would benift both parties.

You’re talking about having one classes abilities on another class. That’s disingenuous at best.

In WoW the 2 factions team up literally every xpac to face the global threat.

I don’t fly, lmao. I walk on my ground mount. Want to know why? I can control myself and make my choices regardless of expectation.

It doesn’t slow the gameplay down. And walking with warmode on is great. You get lots of PvP encounters from the opposite faction, which is the whole purpose of warmode.

Then have some self control and stop bringing it up.

We’re calling it a strawman because that’s exactly what it is. You obviously don’t have a point to prove if you rely on strawman arguments.

It’s a straw man because you are pretending to refute an argument that your examples have literally nothing to do with.

Nobody is arguing that games don’t need rules; that’s not at all on the table. You’re trying to tell people that they want to use warlock abilities on shadow priests, for crying out loud. Complete nonsense.

There is no reason why this particular rule should exist; its outcomes are 100% negative and have no gain. That doesn’t mean that rules shouldn’t (or don’t) exist in any way, shape or form. The reason that this particular decision is wrong is strictly limited to the outcome of this particular decision.

Hence: Strawman.

They could easily separate abilities from covenants, and lock both. Both decisions would have weight, only the decision on which art style, story line and experience a huge portion of players get to experience wouldn’t be decided entirely arbitrarily by the balance team at Blizzard. That is a result specifically of the design of this system in this context, that has literally nothing to do with whether one class can use another class’s abilities.

The only outcome of linking abilities to covenants is to cause dissociation between players and the covenants they are forced to join. If you were in a position where you were forced to choose a covenant and a pair of abilities, your experience would be functionally identical to now. Supporting the position you do can only be driven by spite, no other reasoning is rational.


I’m not in trouble? These are the same people I always disagree with, and always use logic and reason to either get them to understand, or they will just deflect, when they are losing like they are now.

I mean, having these people “Pounced” means nothing. That is the only way they can deal with someone who shuts down the silly logic they use.

I also see the side they are coming from. I understand fully what it is like for wow to bring in systems that I don’t enjoy. I however, don’t act like these ripcord people. I gave my feedback, and Blizzard either changes it or does not. I don’t get upset they don’t agree and adapt. That is it. I fully understand what I want from the game will make the game worse for others, and accept it. I tell them, that wow will change again, that mmo changing is part of the fun of mmos for me. Reason I put up with things i don’t like.

So teaming up on me, just because you don’t agree does not bother me at all.

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No kidding .

I’m trying to not laugh that hard in rl because I’m afraid I’d throw this old back of mine out doing so .


I think you need to go understand what a strawman is.

I use the example to give you a understanding why games have limits and rules.

If we can’t come to a simple understanding in this. We are never going to see eye to eye. It is only a strawman because it blows the logic of self control, and being able to switch does not affect us out of the water.

It does not change my point at all for this simple fact. Games are balance around limits, and what players can and can’t do. So no matter what changes you want, it affects the whole game. It is that simple.

Except they already help each other and work together.

Some of the covenant quests are to help the OTHER covenants.

It’s also not crazy when their entire world is at risk. It makes complete sense for them to work together and help the “Maw Walker” learn whatever he/she can in order to defeat the common bad guy.

If our entire world was endangered from a common threat ala “independence day” we’d be working together across all nations.

And we’re also the same people that choose not to use those things - because we value not using them. We also don’t want things like flying removed because we understand other people use and enjoy them.

We slow down our gameplay because we enjoy it.

It’s the same reason why some people use antique straight edge razors that they have to manually hone and strop frequently instead of using disposable razors. Why would they slow themselves down? Because they value it personally, while at the same time not wanting disposable razors deleted from the planet.

That was the hardest I’ve laughed all month.

Not in the same way. that is like saying we send funding over to another nation that is helping yes? But does that mean we are global? We are the same tribe? Sending troops over to help defend means that we are part of that system?

It makes sense that these people are really old, does not change systems they have been using way longer than us. They adapt some, sure but the core of how they run things are the same. I like it.