
You didn’t prove anything.

Well your reading comprehension issues not really my problem.

First you said if you could get all three starters Pokemon would have FAILED. I told you easy ways to get all of them then you change your tune. Clearly Pokemon didn’t fail because many MANY people did what I did. I choose to get them all. You didn’t. My way of playing didn’t affect you in the slightest did it?


You didn’t prove anything. You’re just giving your opinion with no tangible evidence.


She did prove that she lacks self control.


It doesn’t matter how much they whine. Especially with the whole marketing drive being around choice and consequences.
Those two page adds that icy veins are showing was about 25 nails in the ripcord coffin.

That’s what it boils down to.

I gave examples, on what rpgs done to set limits to power. I said the game is being balanced around systems in place. All this are facts. To be able to switch would affect me because game would be balance around it. So I called out the bs people saying that getting what you want would not affect the other side at all. And this self control issue non sense, telling gamers not to game system shows just how silly the ripcord side is.

Now that i taught you something so basic. We can move on to the next reason why the cord should be pulled?

You’re argument for this was that you’d be expected to swap constantly.

I’ll tear that apart with two words: don’t swap.

Pick a choice and stick with it. :slight_smile:

So you ignore the rest of what I said?

Case closed. My point proven yet again by you.

It is a self control issue. And if it’s not that then you are either trolling or it’s the idea that pulling the ripcord would take away punishing a certain group of player?

So which is it because if you think it is that certain group , they aren’t going to be punished . They are already going to make a toon per covenant.

The system is going to punish the average player that does content out side of mat farming , the ah game , pet battles and rping in the Goldshire inn on Moon-Guard

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Yeah, because its meaningless.

A thank you would be nice.

Is that all the ripcord people have? Self control issues? Even when I give examples?
You know it is a self control issue also using talents right? So how about this, lets just open up all spells to everyone right? It is a self control issue that you use lets say shadow priest spells as a warlock. You don’t like that you have shadow word pain? Well don’t use it! oh the game is balance around you using it. Well hmmm self control issue!

It is such a silly laughable take that I can’t take it serious. I’m sorry is this the best the ripcord people have?

Now I need to go take kid to some appointments. This is just silly at this point, the reasons ripcord people give. No wonder Blizzard did not side with you.

What a terrible comparison.

Talent swapping isn’t the same as completely changing your class.

But like what about all the examples we gave. All the reasons we want abilities untied from covenants. You didn’t teach us anything except that you are fine with the choice that a majority of us are not.

I also feel that our arguments are better. Also based on Blizzard’s 16 year track record the game will not be balanced.

It’s not too much to ask to change covenant abilities so that we can have abilities that we like and are good in PvP, Mythic+ and Raids. Plus have abilities that feel good in all 3 specs we have. I think the current covenant system makes the game feel fundamentally worse for a majority of players.

In Sword and Shield they gave us all 3 starters.

Yup you’re a troll because this isn’t even a reasonable argument because no one is even remotely asking for the spell of another class . They just want all the spells for their class.

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Strawman. Stop.


You seem like narc parent that when told no simply resorts to “because I’m the grown up, that’s why”. Meanwhile you don’t have any facts and use insults and belittlement like a blade.

I understand your points well, I even respect a few. However the way you argue makes me :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:.


Self-control is the core of “meaningful” choices.

You don’t consider someone staying in a relationship “meaningful” when they’re being restricted from leaving it - like battered women that feel too scared to leave.

You consider it meaningful when people stay in a relationship when there’s freedom to leave.

That’s how role-players like myself gain value in the decisions we make and how we play the game.