
Numbers aren’t everything. Some important skills in the game do 0 damage.

People can still compete within the context of a team; competition is not intrinsically dividing.


The abilities simply aren’t that complicated that we can’t use our capacity to reason and make a full list of their relevant applications. Very few abilities have any sort of unknowable applications.


You’re absolutely right. None of them are covenant abilities though; they all do damage.

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Which is also taken into account in sims.

They can, but do they in practice? Warcraft Logs gives uploaders points and other addons seem to spur the individual instead of the group.

‘DPS checks’ are ambiguous number walls that the DPS are supposed to hit, but it’s never broken down any further than a lump sum, so all the DPS in the raid has to hit that mark.

If they succeed, no one says a word. When they fail, the knives come out.

This is simply not what happens. You’ve got an idea in your head that is not what is representative of reality for most people.

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So you’re saying min/max removes all choice from the game?

Yes. There will always be only one way to max your toon. One set of talents, one secondary stat, one set of BiS gear. All choice is gone.

If there was a clear “best” covenant nobody would complain. They’d take it and move on. The fact that people are so upset is because there are now multiple choices which perform differently in different circumstances. They’re upset because they want to switch constantly, depending on what they’re doing.

Where’s the lie?

No. The reason people are upset is because the story, the art elements, the identifying features of the expansion are determined by the balance of the abilities. Having to lock to one ability would be absolutely fine without it also deciding the covenant.

It wouldn’t be the system I choose. I would choose to have them act like talents. But, it’s a design decision that is reasonable and rationalizable. I would understand the choice, even if it wasn’t the way I would go.

To tie them intrinsically to the player experience, on the other hand, is nonsensical. It is destined to reduce player investment in the covenant system. It is likely to cause unnecessary discontent.

Locking player ability choices is reasonable, if not ideal.
Locking player story, art, experience choices based on abilities is not.

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Groups absolutely break down dps walls into what elements are working and not working, make the rational breakdown that while x dps isn’t reaching the number, it’s because they are doing mechanic y and z. People constantly congratulate each other for doing a job worthy of praise, and their reaction on failure depends on the relationship with the one that failed.

Spurring people individually to perform better is a good thing; it doesn’t mean take it out of context and ignore all the other actions of that individual when the numbers aren’t there. The vast majority of elements of gameplay are represented in logs, and looked at by leaders in groups. DPS is one aspect of many; but it nevertheless IS one aspect.

Or they just cut out the bottom and replace it. It’s not this whimsical picture of people patting each other on the back (at least not the ones at the top of the meters). Cut out the bottom, try again, rinse and repeat.

I mean, if you’re talking about pugging or throwaway guilds I’m sure it is; I don’t know how else you expect that world to function though. In guilds that work as guilds, that’s exactly how it is.


You can change covenants. None of this is locked to you.

You can’t swap abilities every encounter in the raid. Deal with it.


This obsession with this is borderline sad at this point. It’s not changing for a patch or two so put your bigboy pants on and deal with it.

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When the expac gets here and it’s still up we will deal with it or leave.

However many of us still have hope Blizzard may see reason and will change this before it goes live. This way we can step into a expac we will enjoy that’s not corrupted by this nonsense. It’s a hope and many will fight to the last day before it goes live and beyond.

Nothing wrong with having hope or fighting for what you believe in.

Blizzard said they don’t agree with you. It could change later sure, but Blizzard has said no. To keep going on about it right now is fruitless.

After a patch or two. Sure you can say well I still don’t like it blah blah.

But at least respect the community and Blizzard enough for the ones who do want the system and want to have it live for awhile even if you don’t like it. Respect them enough to not keep on asking for the same thing over and over even when you are told no, not right now.

It just looks childish.


Respect our right to not agree with the change and leave the thread if you don’t wish to listen to us.

The community does not have to enter here and Blizzard does not have to engage this once they put their foot down. But that doesn’t mean we have to stop using our freedom of speech just because it annoys you.

So do you.

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So all you want is a self pity party because you don’t got your way. Got you.

I can see it now, Blizzard throws you all a bone and changes it near the end of the expansion. You all come here and like. I told you it was going to get changed, and instead of thanking Blizzard for changing the game for something some of you might like. You will hold it against Blizzard, not doing it sooner.

Just chill out, You did not get your way and it is ok. Wow will change again.

Best post on the subject in a while. Great job.


Do you always talk to people fighting for a cause like they are crying toddlers? With disrespect and belittlement.

It’s true we did not get our way. But you see we have a mountain of facts and past history that justifies our complaints.