
What if Kaelyn is just a pro #PullTheRipcord alt trying to bridge the gap between Sonechka’s and Pro-ripcorders

Woah. Woah, now. No need for tinfoil.

? I said I did not want to talk about it. and i disagree with the points people made. But hey to each own.

Khaelyn is the imposter. I saw them vent.

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Good luck this is the internet, and you can’t take it back now.

Wait, why are you guys trying to saddle her on my side? For all I know it was you lot that spawned her from the Aether just to make me look bad!

How do we know she’s not a secret Timbae clone? What if Khaelyn means Timbae in Kiwi?!

Lmao, Khaelyn thinking pugging is better than being in a guild.

No wonder why they don’t do content.

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take back what? i was right? I still think I am right. Noone changed my mind just because they don’t agree with me.

Maybe one day Blizzard will think so also? Who knows, but people said that we would never have power tied to rp choices, and here we are having it.

? to some it really is. To act like players don’t do this. Group Finder has taken the place of guilds for many players. If you don’t understand or even see that. Well that is on you?

My point still stands.

Yeah, because what if your guild sucks at pvp, or M+, but they’re great at raiding. Well, group finder and raider I.O. help with that problem.

Lmao, so what?

Remove player power from covenant.
Make covenant unswappable.
Make power unswappable outside of balance changes.

Choice that you can’t swap. Infinitely more meaningful choice, where your covenant represents what you want to experience and what represents you, rather than what the balance team decided your spec should use. More permanent in both cases, since you can’t freely swap either case and can’t swap covenant at all.

It’s very easy to make this system simultaneously more meaningful and more permanent while dividing player power from covenant.

The only reason they have to make covenants swappable is because they have tied player power to them. There are plenty of things that are meaningful about covenants that don’t come from player power, but most of them will be ignored because of player power being involved.

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I was browsing forums about to go to bed, but I can’t. My sides, dude. My siiiiiiiiides. The last couple hundred posts are worth their weight in gold.

The priest might be an agent of the hedgehog. One must be cautious.


lays out donuts and coffee for everyone apart of the ripcord pulling

What’s up, dudes and dudettes. Good morning.



Much better than the game telling you what to choose like lots of lame games…

If they balance them all then there is no point to the choice to begin with.

If they don’t balance them at all then they are punishing people for their style choices. And it’s not really a choice because the correct answer is already chosen by Blizzard and will been reported and then followed by the public.

The only way to make a actual choice is to un-couple the player power from the covenants. Then you chose what style you like and you chose what power you like. And those choices actually mean something because they are not linked with each other.

Impose lock outs with those choices to makes them more impactful and that’s fine by me. My gripe is that they are linked to each other and should have NEVER EVER been designed that way.

A meaningful choice should be something I choose, not something Blizzard secretly chooses for me and nudges me into.


In other words, take all the teeth out of the choice and make it shallow and meaningless.

Player power with locked covenants are fine.

You’re letting Blizzard nudge you. You don’t have to let them.

I don’t want to go to work…I let them nudge me into it. You know because of that whole gotta eat/pay rent thing.

I kinda like getting into groups and being able to do dps well…it’s one of those things I gotta do in order to fill the role I already chose.

It’s one of those things where no I don’t wanna…but yes I kinda have to in order to get by.

I would be happy with covenants as is, if we didn’t need dps to kill bosses and all.