


Turns out all it takes is 7165 posts of discussion for me to like a Sonechka post.

How the turntables…

I mean, it’s a bit vague, even for me to agree with.

Yeah, same. I thought I’d never like anything Sone would say, maybe were rubbing off on them, dude.

PuG community DESTROYED by FACTS and LOGIC.


Imagine being the voice of reason RIGHT NOW, DUDE.


I just explain my reasons why and you all just skip over that, and quote that?

Did you not read the rest? I explain why I made that statement.

Cause your reasons are stupid man.

Imagine thinking that players being competent is a bad thing in the PuG scene.


I did. But like all ‘community’ things; there’s good and bad spectrums.

Pugging is great if you need that one or two extra bodies for an M+, and that person (people) are chill enough to add to the friendslist or a Guild invite.

Pugging only goes sour when you have people that 100% Pug and they want to dictate things a Guild would normally allow/do.

Having a healthy Pugging scene is good. You want as many players out there as possible. It’s up to the party leader’s what to do with those people.

A healthy pugging scene is a good Guild recruitment tool.

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I mean, even if you could pug everything, it still doesn’t account for the fact that WoW is a social game and is way more fun to play with friends and guildies.

Also I told my friends that I didn’t need them cause I have RIO and they told me my IO stinks :frowning:

I mean you did not counter my point.

I think pugs being too good makes people require not to join guilds add friends or hurts the social elements.

All you all can say you are wrong because IMAGE thinking that.

But group finder is just that. It has replace guilds or need to be social because it is too good with things like Raider Io.

No. Oh, no. No. No.

I may find Raider IO annoying, much like Gearscore in Wrath, but I realize why players use it. Bad players uses IO like a cudgel and are (mostly) Pug stars.

Oh god, I sound like Timbae. What is this thread doing to me?!


How is that Raider I.O. fault? That’s the individuals choice if they don’t want to join a guild.

Because players don’t need to do it, players will always take the easiest path if don’t need to do.

I honestly wouldn’t even be in a guild if Raider I.O. could correctly determine a player’s skill in raids too, but so many people get carried in raids, or are just bad in raids that I HAVE to be in a guild to raid.

Not saying all pugs are bad for raiding, but the majority are pretty bad.

Absolutely not lmao.

Guilds and friend groups are still wayyyy more efficient than pugging keys. RIO just makes it so getting your weekly 15 done isn’t a nightmare.


Once again, how is this a bad thing? No player wants to waste their time, that’s what Raider I.O. is for, to help you find like-minded individuals to challenge the content where your guild or friends can’t help you out at.

If you have friends or guild members to begin with. I know I don’t.

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Khaelyn successfully derailed the thread with the worst take known to mankind


I’mma just call her “The voice of reason.”