
It’s for the bumps, honestly.

Clearly you are still upset, so you need a voice of reason. So let me give you some more advice.

Mmos will always change, and this system still might change in the future, and Blizzard is well aware of the feedback. Even if you all get it changed, at least for a short time for us who enjoy the system. We got to play with it how we wanted. So I’m good.

Wow is not going to die from this system. Wow is not going to pay a price, and they are dead set on making this system work and changing it could cost us content that they plan due to big overhauls that they said they would have to do. How many raid tiers that would cost you eh?

One of the premiere Warlock players is biased cause he actually knows how to do math.


CoS was a fever dream, it didn’t actually happen.

Explosive Potential and Inevitable Demise say “lol”.

100% buff to Explosive Potential.

I will never forget the most glorious phrase ever uttered by my GM on that day. “Yo Awkward, do you have Azerite Gear for Demo?”

Imagine refusing to change bad systems purely out of spite.

Really showing everyone who the mature adults are in this conversation lmao.


Not out of spite? You don’t reward kids for acting out.

No man what are you talking about she is the:



Voice of reason who doesn’t do m+, doesn’t do raiding, doesn’t do pvp.

Well informed voice of reason.

At least sonichu does pvp.


Want player housing, right? What’s the point of balancing an already broken system all the way to 9.3 when they could be working on other things in the game like reworking classes or player housing.

You’re too busy reveling about this system that isn’t going to help the majority of the playerbase. Min-maxers don’t care about it, the casuals will.

Yeah, the system isn’t going to kill WoW, but if it comes to the point of them actually pulling the ripcord and having to fix another system where they could’ve put work some where else, wouldn’t it be better to just pull the ripcord now.

And this is also another reason why this community always at war with each other. Because you weaponize what people enjoy in this game, and use it against them.

You just keep on making my points for me. No wonder some people enjoy that the 1 percent are upset, and want to keep seeing them at it. Myself? I don’t think it is the one percent that is crying the most. I think it is the people who use group finder that are the most upset about this system.

Except we’re not Blizzards children. We’re their customers.

If Covenants have overwhelmingly negative feedback, and you refuse to change it to “teach them a lesson”, that lesson is called “spite”.

Which really shows your priorities. You care far more about punishing those you disagree with, over making the best game for the largest amount of people you can.



I do Raid (M+ wasn’t a thing the last time I was here for a while) and PvP!

Do you think just because you are a customer that you have a right to design wow how you want it?

Because when Blizzard says they don’t agree with you, and you still act out. What else can you do but call it childish?

You don’t agree with Blizzard, and Blizzard does not agree with you. So now because Blizzard does not. Many of threaten your sub. (silly.) some said they still going to get it, and can’t wait until it is changed in the future. (even more silly. like if this system ruins wow for you that much. Take a break until next expansion. Put your money where your mouth is. or until they change it if they do.)

Going on and on about it. Blizzard foot is down, and many of us are happy that we get to use the system how they design. Not how some of you wanted it.

I am at least mature enough to understand that we both can’t have what we want. Wow has done many things that I don’t like, and design wise i hated, but I worked around it. The community being the biggest issue, and that is Blizzard fault for encouraging it, and making wow into more of a action rpg than a mmorpg.

It is not punishing for you not to get your way, but if Blizzard gives in to you, it could hurt the community in the long run by showing this community that you can pretty much act like brats to get your way.

If you’re so mature, walk away from this thread then?

All of us are happy to continuing discussion it without posting small essays like you do talking about entitled we are.

The difference is between you and me is I’m willing to be outspoken about something i disagree with, you roll over on it.

Nothing wrong with protesting, who are we hurting here by posting in this one contained thread? I think you’re upset that our little hashtag made so much noise even daddy Ion acknowledged us.

Don’t get so bent outta shape man :slight_smile:


Please. stop calling us children. I will report every post you make, lady. We aren’t children. We are paying customers, and if we don’t like the product we will give feedback, that’s what were doing now.

It’s like going to get food, and you find your order is wrong, you take it back to get fixed. You’re the person laughing in line at me while I take my food back to get it fixed.


Because you can’t seem to go a single post without calling us children, brats, entitled.

Just chill out with the name calling sister. Just because I pointed out you don’t have a dog in this race (because you don’t do any content) doesn’t mean you should get so bent out of shape.


There you go, acting like you’re holier than everyone else and being a condescending B. You’re seriously worse than any child I’ve had to deal with because you have a God complex.


Not at all.

But here’s where our perspectives differ.

If Covenants fail, I want them changed to make the game more enjoyable for more people.

If Covenants fail, you would keep them same purely to “teach a lesson”.

I have never acknowledged otherwise. Unlike the Covenant storyline, we’re in a zero sum situation where favouring one side takes away from the other.

Though I’ve yet to see a reason you’ve actually put forth in favour of Covenants that hasn’t been immediately shot down. Your only defense of them is that Blizzard aren’t changing it (for now), but that’s pretty flimsy considering that Blizzard have a history of folding when their systems become unpopular.

The precedent already exists for Blizzard caving though. But again, you reiterate that you don’t care about changing bad systems, in-fact you actively resist changing them purely to “teach people a lesson”.


Watch them try and paint you as toxic and entitled purely because you disagreed with them calling you a “child” or “brat”.

Too bad they’re already doing it.

Who is this ‘they/them’?

Khaelyn i hope you identify this as even Sonechka trying to distance themselves from you.

Just chill out homie, we’re all gamers here :slight_smile:

There it is

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? When a company tells you that don’t agree with you, and you still keep on and on and on about it until you get your way. In the name of feedback, these threads are nothing more than misery loves company. You are not happy that you are not getting what you want, and when someone calls you out on how you are acting. You take offense to it. That is fine.

Being called lady and sister all that i’m sure someone could use that and weaponize it as a way to say I don’t like that and it offends me because just because I am female does not…whatever. The point is that I’m just saying when you still cry out even after getting told no. That is a bratty behavior plain and simple.

Plenty of people gave reasons why? Noone has shot it down at all.
For one, I’m sick and tired of systems come into play that we keep switching out for content. I’m going to be doing mythic plus next patch with friends. The thought of having to switch talents+covs+ whatever else just seems tedious.

With the prepot changes and stuff, they at least understand tedious changes to the game need to be dealt down some.

Second off, the whole, well just don’t do it. Why should I be force because of your lack of will power is silly. We are gamers, if the game rules lets us become stronger, We are going to do it. I rather work with what I have, and overcome, with the system. That would have bigger impact on the choice I made, and the system does not feel like some rep grind again with factions.

The last and easily part of the system is, I am ok with wishing I had other skills, while I see unholy nova being used. It looks amazing, but gave that up for mindgames. Not having something makes a big impact on adapting.