

Keep in mind, they still think they’re the


Completely unbiased voice of reason by the way


You know when things get put in perspective other things don’t look so bad? Maybe we were too hard on Sonechka and Grymes.

Yes? When you act like spoiled brats. You should be called out on it. That is reasonable. I gave my reasons why you all are acting this way. and what you can work on. Instead, you are offended by it.

Trying to advocate change =/= Acting like spoiled brats.

Newflash, we pay a monthly sub for this game.


I’ll be sure to call you a B whenever I can then because that’s how you’re acting a giant B. Not the good kind of B either.

Oh, I dunno of being called Sonichu for the thousandth time was so bad…

Now now, let’s remain civil.

This is a classic Khaeryn play to get the thread derailed and locked. Don’t accept the bait



But lets address your other points.

Just don’t switch. Why should I not be able to switch because of your lack of willpower?


But, Tim. She called me a brat, and a child three times!

So that is what you call it?

So when someone gets told no, and you keep on asking or telling the person why they are wrong, and the person still says they understand but they don’t agree, and you STILL keep on in the name of advocating change?

At this point it is not feedback at all, it is a Misery loves company because I want to feel better that I am not the only one upset that I am not getting my way.

We’re all brats and children in here my son.

Now finish up and find a save point, dinners ready.


Nobody told us no, Ions original statement said he had a ripcord. So, i want that ripcord pulled.

You’re the only one upset here.

Please stop trying to derail the thread again.


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We were told “No”, a bunch of times for stuff like a Legiondary vendor, Account Wide Artifact Knowledge, an Azerite Vendor, Account Wide Essences and a Corruption Vendor.

We got all those things.


We want change because we ultimately don’t believe in Blizzard’s system, and it doesn’t hurt to try to have them change it.

While you sit in the back and give up on change and call us spoiled brats on the side lines, we’ll be sure to cheer for you after they pull the ripcord for everyone to have free choice even if you have God complex, but you’d probably like that, wouldn’t you?


Look on the bright side Khaelyn, when the ripcord gets pulled you too can mention how you were a part of the monumental thread and movement that blew up so rapidly it got coverage on all the big youtubers, became a thing on twitter and got Ion’s attention.


Remember when anyone says that the #Ripcord is dead because Blizzard said no, here’s an interview from not all that long ago.



Look at these screenshots.

They clearly said no, they are not going to do it because it is being released like this.

Whatever, i know you are upset for not getting your way. But if they are releasing system to go live. Clearly the pulled ripcord failed, and it is a waste of time to keep asking for it. When they asked players to give feedback on how to better balance this system with the core rules in place that power is a choice base off what cov you pick.

So at this point, your feedback is pointless. Blizzard does not agree with you for now.

Also the blue post pretty much said No to you. And that it would be too much trouble to change, if they must they will, but not going to do it. So your little movement is dead for now.

But wait a second Awkward, I thought Essences being account bound came out in Visions of N’zoth? What gives!

He clearly said no!

I am absolutely not upset, I want the ripcord pulled in 9.1 after further rumination and I think it still will.



Now i see the problem. Blizzard gave and should have just not on the systems. Now you think acting like this is how you get Blizzard to change things.

I clearly see Blizzard saying they will do it since it was near the end, and will be nice and give something community wanted after they let the system they had run through most of the expansion.

Instead you turn it around and said Blizzard was wrong because they change the system, and we are right.

Get over yourselves.

Why do you not have time stamps and post these things like a serial killer?

Yeah, were probably upset, but we still love the game and want Blizzard to change it.

I think you’re a sadist Khaelyn.

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