
Man, Necrolord Ferals are just going to dump on Rogues this expansion. I can’t wait :smiley:.

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Covenants will be a colossal failure because hybrid classes, people who do more than raid, pve, and play other specs are going to be boned because they won’t be able to play optimally because of mEAniNgFul choice.

Why pick a venthyr prot paladin when you pick a Kyrian prot Paladin? Why pick a Necrolord DK for DPS when you can pick a Night Fae DK for DPS?


i for one enjoy the fact that blizzard is taking a risk, the same old forumla gets tired after a few years.


When you don’t get your way this time. What are you going to say? I mean you ripcord people swear up and down that it would not go out like this. That you had some of the top wow streamers and EVERYONE hated it. You was so full of yourselves that the system is going to not happen, Now you are saying it will change later? Just wait 9.3?

Some risks don’t work sure? But guess what? Wow does not have that problem. You don’t like the system but you still getting shadowlands right? Thank you, because I like the system and you still supporting Blizzard.

Agree, Bfa felt like legion light, and the new elements to the game islands and warfront was boring.

We need a new take on wow and we getting it.

Unless its a pug, most guilds won’t care. At all. Preach himself even stated this. Join a Guild.

Because hybrid classes are flexible. They’re not supposed to be Optimal 100% of the time, that’s why they’re hybrids, Jack-Of-All-Trades.

Sorry not sure what you’re referring to. Aren’t you the one who made a thread gloating about how the change wasn’t going forward before shadowlands? You’re the one with an unchecked ego who cries elitist everyone someone mentions your lack of content being done.

Blizzard takes risks then backflips a patch later. It’s a song and dance a lot of us are used to :slight_smile:

yup, if the change is so bad blizzard will quickly fix it. covenants are nowhere near that point though.

if people want a game that never changes or evolves or tries sometehing new, there is classic for that not to be rude.

Well i mean it’s removed when healed to full and refunded.

Personal Loot says hi. How is that battle going for guilds? Acting like the community always gets listen too and Blizzard always caves in. LOL.

I don’t think most guilds care, we use RC Loot Council. It’s just a inconvenience about the loot rules.

Have to focus on the most important threat to Shadowlands, covenant locked abilites.

You ignored the huge backlash that streamers, and 1 percent did about it. We calm down a ton because they knew it was a losing battle.

Just like you ripcord people will as well.

If Fleshcraft can be cheesed like I think it can. It doesn’t matter if it gets refunded, Ferals are going to see Rogues as free Honor Kills.

Learn our place? Lady, we pay Blizzard for their ideas that eventually come to the players. If we don’t like their ideas, we tell them because WE CARE ABOUT THE GAME. We even sim the numbers, find exploits, and report them to Blizzard for free BECAUSE WE CARE.

This #pulltheripcord is BECAUSE WE CARE ABOUT THE GAME, and were tired of Blizzard repeating borrowed power system, after borrowed power system that fails in their face. Look at the unpruning, Blizzard caved on that too because OF PLAYER FEEDBACK. We play their game, probably more than they do. Especially the pros who push Mythic and treat this game as a job.

We don’t have egos, we just don’t want Blizzard to repeat the same mistake the FOURTH TIME and with another failed borrowed power system. We never needed borrowed power system to make the game fun, why do we need them now especially one that hinders hybrid classes and people who do more than raid, pvp, m+, and much more.


Will we? We got told essentially the ripcord doesn’t exist a week ago and here we are still.

There’s been what, 2000 posts since then?


I think the call for rip cord will accelerate with prepatch. My prediction.


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Because if they unlock things like the covenant class abilities from the covenants we won’t have to worry about them balancing because we would be able to choose what would work best for what ever content we are doing or whatever spec we are playing.

Pulling the ripcord actually lessens the need for Blizz to balance the covenants.


You heard me learn your place.

Just because you pay Blizzard does not mean that you should always get what you want. This game has huge amount of players, and I don’t play the game design around you.

If you don’t like the game. You can always take a break and wait for changes to come in that you do, because wow will always change. But you should learn your place. Care about the game? No you are just selfish, you want your way, and you think that the game will be hurt because you don’t get your way, when many others don’t agree with you.

To even try to use a moral ground to stand on over these hissy fits players have got over a system they don’t like is laughable at best. Blizzard said they don’t agree, and you still cry and cry and cry and cry like spoil brats not getting your way. Than you pout and say well they going to change it wait and see. Like jaded twerps who can’t admit for a second that this version of wow might not line up to what you want this time and it is ok.

Nah, I see right through it. The way some of you acted about not getting your way , and trying to twist it around on people who enjoy the system like they are selfish. Give me a break.

I don’t care about being optimal 100% of time. I just want be able to pick the abilities that I want when I want. If I wanted to be optimal 100% of the time. I’d roll four of each class for each covenant.


There are literally people on your side who support not pulling the ripcord just to spite mythic raiders and the “”"“1%”""""