
If balance the only reason why people don’t want the system. That is just silly. Nothing will ever be balance. That does not mean we can’t try new systems.

The people who want the ripcord pulled, none of them have giving a good reason why it should. Most of the time it is because of how the community will treat them, or turn it around saying people who like this system, and don’t want the choice to be tied to power are being selfish.

It is just silly. In the name of balance we should not try any systems that could be hard to balance? We should not have to many any choices or have anything? Do you understand that if the game was perfectly balance it would be boring? As much as I dislike “metas”, it will always happen…but this community is the one that takes it to the next level due to not needing to be social like in some other mmos.

You could even say that meta changes keep the exciting and things not always being the same teams adds excitement to what mmos are.

Either way, This new system is fine, and if you think they are going to let us freely swap, because of past balance changes. You have a hard time reading the writing on the wall huh? Blizzard is clearly wants this system to work, even if you don’t like it.

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I’m fine with the covenant base abilities, not the class specific ones tbh hahaha

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There have been a literal boatload of good reasons. They are just reasons you don’t agree with.

Like azerite, essences and corruption hahahahahha right?

Just because they wanted it to work they didn’t step back right? right? hahhah

How do you time and time again make these long posts that could’ve been wrapped up in two lines? God.

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If it’s any consolation, Bone Spike is going to get nerfed. There’s no way a class can have a permanent DoT without it breaking the game.

It’s not permanent. It drops off once healed to full :slight_smile:

They nerfed it already? The last time I saw it, it was a permanent DoT unless the target died.

Yeah it was changed to be removed once healed to full.

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Are you saying because they balance the system that it failed? Because guess what? They did not remove or revamp the systems like players asked for.

MMOs change, and systems will get balanced out. That does not mean they are going to throw the whole system itself out. Did they do that with Azerite? Essence?

Point is, they improved the systems sure, but at the end of the day. The systems still held, and we came to find out that this system is the core of the expansion so it will change, but not what you want.

Just accept that, and you will feel better.

Man, that’s actually quite funny from a Druid’s perspective.

Nobody is advocating for the throwing out of covenants, stop putting words in our mouths.

Yes, we’re opting for an early solution for the improvement.


Doesn’t mean the system wasn’t a collosal failure in the eyes of the players, and the feed back for it can be evidence enough for it.

Yes you are because they said what you want will throw the whole system out.

Pay attention. Either way. Your improvements they don’t agree with. Many of us don’t and that is why they did not do it.

I would’ve picked bone spike tbh if it were for venthyr. :frowning: That’s why I wish they went with the route of letting us choose what abilities we want then depending on the covenant we chose, it’ll have a different appearance.

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You would think that after 3k posts we might have gone around and back on the issue XD

A this point I just think you have to choose you covenant and optimize the times you are on the upside and find ways to lessen the moments your ability doesn’t shine. If there is a significant difference in performance and utility you just have to hope they will balance it at some point, unless upcoming content makes your ability shine more. I’m not talking about the damage abilities that can be math’ed, but the blink/shield/pot that are more utility based. And I know trust on this is not a given…

Personally I like the identity they are trying to give back in the game and I know its counter to the culture of last expansions, but I feel its a necessary steer; otherwise we’re soon coming to have one faction, class swaps, etc… to be the most optimal we can get at every second. But I understand not everyone feels like I do ^^

We don’t want the whole system to be thrown out. Go read his first post. We just want all covenant abilities to be freely picked without a cool down or timer.

They don’t agree yet.

Same way they didn’t agree with the feedback about all the borrowed systems in BFA until people starting unsubbing.

Wait until everyone gets to experience covenants.



But those were colossal failures for specific reasons, which don’t show up in Covenants. The root of the argument is literally the number attached to the ability your class gets.

That would mean all systems in mmos are failures because they keep changing.

I think this community really has a ego trip because Blizzard at times listens to them, yet they feel now that they should ALWAYS be listen too.

I don’t play this mmo for the community to design. I play it for what Blizzard does, and I don’t mind Blizzard listens, but when they say they don’t agree with you, and you still keep on. The community needs to learn its place.

what? I thought it only refunded you a charge if they were healed to full.

SWG became a failure overnight because they tried something new. The precedent is already there :relaxed:.