
What planet do you live on seriously?

Hi I’m a raid leader of a guild that has got CE every tier since Uldir (except CoS :frowning: ) while raiding two nights (seven hours a week).

I can’t get over how hilarious your goal post moving is "2% is basically 10%!


So you’re part of the 1% then, and not the majority that will not see / care about the few percentages. In all of these tests, they didn’t even account for the type of boss fight / game mode anyways, so it’s flawed data at best.

I do 10k dps… 2% is 200, 10% is 1000, it’s a difference of 800 dps. The world is not ending, I assure you.

How do you have 18 posts in this thread and not a single bit of information to backup any of your claims?

Stunning really.

Ugh, the lightning shield/frost shock build.

Another reason I just do not like cutting edge.

I think it’s more like legion artifacts, but you can only have one every two weeks. Remember, you get abilities and then you have the entire soulbind crap that revolves around the covenant ability you get. It definitely is not a “little perk”. We’ll be using covenant abilities in raids, pvp, dungeons, and in the world.

I’ve presented multiple links to research and data, you chose to ignore them. :man_shrugging:

Mine actually outline methodology, instead of just copy / pasted discord messages from people that are financially incentivized to #pulltheripcord.

I’m not following, I’m a resto shaman main. They just needed a healer to go DPS for last night. I’ve literally never done a single bit of content as enhancement or ele since last night.


I care about Perky Pugs so much I opted to go offspec just to help the gang out.

I just copied some guys talents on wcl and went with it. Used icyveins to look at the rotation.

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And there’s no evidence things will be different this time. None.

I honestly can’t tell you fell for the advertisement and can’t wait to experience what’s written on the back the box or just in opposition for the sake of opposing something.

Did you? Forgive me I have missed them, do you mind reposting this research and data of shadowlands covenants at the moment?

So why are you so worried about it? You will never have the balance you want. At all.

Because for the first time, we won’t be able to simple respec off a bad talent like we have in the past.

All you need to do is look at WCL, a very large majority of specs have 100% pick rate for certain rows and flat out dead talents.

Why on Earth do you have three of the same specced Shamans…

Now you’re starting to see why I have no dog in this fight, I am not like normal people.

I just kinda enjoy playing resto shaman :slight_smile:

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It’ll take a little longer?

You have to realize that game isn’t designed around Mythic, right?

It’s called optimization. That’s what being smart with your class is.

Give it a shot. Being good at your class is fun.

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There is a slight difference between changing talents in literal 1 second and two weeks. It’s still easy, just more time consuming for what I can’t see the benefit of.

I think this lvl 11 Troll is trolling you. He never posted any links whatsoever

Yeah, I was really just trying to get him to say it in writing that he didn’t post anything.

You can be good at your class using a ‘sub-optimal’ build. I like excelling with a bad build than following the path of least resistance (Feral Bleed Build ftw).

It’s an artificial way to slow down the game. WoW needs more emphasis on open world than instances, or else Final Fantasy is going to overshadow them.