
You said you wanted an example of one class being close to one another in damage over all four Covenants. Druids come to mind.

  1. I have my own twitch, I stream my arena because a guild mate is watching me to give me coaching on what I’m doing wrong and stream raid for people on the bench.
  2. The crap charity stream is Perky Pugs, this tier they’ve given away over 1500 mounts to players for free
  3. I’ve made (personally) over 6,000,000 gold from guild-run sales in Nya’lotha. I do free runs because i enjoy helping people who don’t have the means to afford a AoTC carry or the time to find a guild. I have no problem with gold.
  4. We have 20 million gold in our gbank ready for next tier.
  5. I already was playing multiple shamans on live, I was already going to play multiple shamans in Shadowlands.

So what’s my motive?

Ok so my source is Thdlock who is literally a world first raiding warlock who has been playing nothing but warlock in beta since day zero.

Who’s your example? Where are you getting your information from?


A biased one percenter. He doesn’t and will never represent the majority. Even if he does see a 20% difference, which I highly doubt, the other 99% of the playerbase will not see such a difference.

The game isn’t meant to be balanced around the top 1%.

You can’t “bet” the disparity is less than 5% while giving assurance it is. I’m going to have to ask you source your claim druid abilities are well balanced. Not between one spec but all specs.

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  1. You’ve never posted your own twitch.
  2. Skip.
  3. You’d have even less problems if Covenants were unlocked.
  4. And I’m sure you’ll have 20 million again.
  5. You’d still benefit from unlocked Covenants while taking on more buyers per run.

You’re from Frostmourne. I wouldn’t believe your charity if you were dressed as a nun, habit and all.

Because Druids started freaking out that they’re only OP Covenant ability in the Night Fae was completely nuked and now they’re moping. Clearly, there’s no other clear winner or else they wouldn’t be so dour about the nerf.

Why should a covenant choice be a bad or good one because of Blizzard’s negligence to balance all the covenants equally? Or not letting the player have a mEAnGiFuL choice on which content they want to pursue.

There’s no way you can balance a teleport, a heal, a shield, or whatever a covenant offers against each other then add class mechanics, soul binds, bosses, m+, raids, and pvp to the mix. All the players who aren’t min-maxers are at a major inconvenience with this system.

Your meaningful choice will mean nothing aswell if Blizzard decides to nerf your covenant and your stuck switching and refarming renown and soulbinds because of it.



Sorry, how does what level people play at have anything to do with someone who is doing testing? Is his input invalid because he has actually played warlock in mythic raid testing?

You aren’t helping your case here.


Feel free to jump on in, you can see my most recent stream from yesterday where we gained over 90 AoTC mounts for people (for 100% free :slight_smile: )

Perky Pugs is a American run discord, I’m one of two oceanic players in it as an Alliance carrier.


THey’re off to pull the ripcord , the wonderful ripcord of wow because because because because all of the wonderful things it does.

That doesn’t prove anything.

Here’s an example:

Ability 1 +5%
Ability 2 +8%
Ability 3 +15%
Ability 4 +30%

Druids: Wow ability 4 is amazing! Gatta with that covenant.
Blizz: nerf ability 4 from +30% to +4%
You: See guys now everything is balanced!

Just because they nerfed one ability that doesn’t mean the other are well balanced.

Without providing numbers between all 4 specs and abilities nothing you said matters.

If you want to dive deeper into the subject I say balanced one class doesn’t mean this system is a success.

His feedback is valued, but only to a certain extent as he doesn’t represent the majority of the game. The game should be catered to the 99%, and the 1% will have to just adapt like they always do.

If you are really concerned about the balance of covenants, your hundreds of posts in this thread alone should be directed at correcting their missteps in balancing.

As the dev Watcher puts here. If this imaginary and totally not made up 20% disparity is true, than feel free to make a detailed forum post about it.

I don’t have to know the exact number. I can see just by watching how the Druid discord and players react to nerfs.

Most classes have that one ability that sticks out, so when Blizzard brings the hammer and slams it down, usually the players of the classes gravitate towards the second rank.

Druids haven’t done that, yet.

And I thought listening to American rap was cringe enough, but man its even worse when it’s got an accent.

Do you have any actual numbers or examples or are you just speaking for the best possibly scenario? You seem to be a little detached from the reality of whats happening on beta.

The fact you discredit THD’s input is hilarious.

Most people would be lucky to even get 1% dps out of their covenant, let alone have it make up 20% of their damage. He must not be doing a lot of damage with his other spells then.

Luckily boomkin discord has you covered!


If you’re looking at single target, you can see covenants-legendary equipped. So a fair comparison would be looking at the four covenants using the boat legendary which is their best at the moment
venthyr-boat |NB /INC /SF/FOE 6115.09
kyrian-boat |NB /SL /SF/FOE 5961.92
night_fae-boat NB /SL /SF/SOL 5763.24
necrolord-boat |NB /SL /SF/FOE 5485.95

So even at this extremely early testing the difference for ST is roughly 10% and AoE is roughly 14%.

See above you clown, maybe next time try to do even the most basic research before spouting your nonsense.


So you have nothing but apathy for the anti-covenant crowed. got it

That’s the core problem. And never in blizzard’s history has their not been a time when the disparity was so high they had to continuously make adjustments throughout the expansions. Even to this day Azerite traits are broken.

You’re dreaming if you think blizzard can balance these.

So it’s not even that bad then.

Blizzard has never been able to balance for fifteen years. The best balance in WoW was in TBC. and then it fell off a cliff once the concessions started rolling in.

Sub rogues, Arcane mages, MM hunters, Survival hunters are about 5% behind other DPS on live and get picked for 0 content at all.

Even during earlier m+ seasons where a rogue was almost mandatory people would rather bring a feral druid over a sub rogue to a key.

10-14% is very significant.

I’ll be happy to keep posting information and hard numbers because it seems Bloomsday has been blown out of the water and will most likely reappear on another classic avatar soon arguing a different point.

So you only accept data that proves your point and dismiss anything that doesn’t…

Even from your data, the difference is 10%… 10% might as well be 2%, it’s not a huge deal unless you’re pushing cutting edge contant or have an obessesion with overly simming your character to squeeze out every like fraction of dps.

Top end Mythic Raiders and cutting edge players I’m not surprised. Perfectly fine for AOTC and maybe for +15’s.

Again, probably for cutting edge reasons, but for anything lower than that, I’m excited.

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