
We’re literally just asking that we can choose our favorite covenant based on aesthetics and use abilities that feel good in the content we’re doing.


Ah yeah like how we had a tantrum over Azerite vendor, account bound essences and corruption vendor.

All went away quiet and nothing was done /s.

I appreciate your bumping of the post but nobody forgot you guys exist. We’re just waiting for the release of shadowlands so more people can jump on team #PullTheRipcord.


I haven’t really bumped the post. I’ve only responded to it when it was already at the top, like it is now.

Sooner or later you guys are just going to have to make peace with this and just pick a permenant covenant choice. Or play 4 alts of the same class, whatever.

Yes, and by replying you extend the its existence of being at the top.

Already planned on doing that :slight_smile:

Thanks again for stopping by!


Have fun keeping up with their gearing and other things then. I’ll continue to have fun with just my one.

No problem! As i’ve proven multiple times. I already raid with two shamans on retail because I like raiding and doing PvP (only recently!)

Even if covenants became cosmetics only I would have made 4 characters because I want the transmog.

This was never about me Grymes


There’s also Master Loot, Pathfinder and the dumbest of all #BattleforFullscreen.

Nothing changed except for Wod & Legion Pathfinders.

Still a very valid argument, there was a thread that was very active for a while. Hilariously the raiding community made their own Master Looter addon and people just kept playing the game as usual.

Source: Literally been ““Master Looter”” for my raid all expansion.

I’m not bothered by this.

I don’t even know what this is so all I can assume is you’re reaching massively trying to come up with some other reference points.

I don’t think you put forward a good argument.


Rejoice ripcord pullers the heretics known as the anti pullers will know the error of their ways, and once they do The Great Ripcord will begin for us all. A great game will be born for all us to cherish under the great parachute.

None will be punished under the The Great Ripcord, not even the anti’s. All will be saved over The Great Pulling, it’s wisdom and protection will only show fun and fairness for all, for all of us to choose the right path whenever we so desire. Brothers and sisters, we gather here for salvation for us and the antis let us bask in the glory of The Great Pulling together. Sing this hymn with us #pulltheripcord, and let all be saved, even the one’s who think they won’t be saved under it.

Join this covenant, brothers and sisters for our path is clear and our journey to The Great Pulling is still far, but, still within reach.

Totally got this from Halo, btw. I love the prophet speeches in that game.

It was people raging for months over the removal of Exclusive Full Screen. People said the game was unplayable and threatening to quit.

I don’t really care what you think of my argument. I think the whole ripcord thing is a massive overreaction and I mainly stop by this thread from time to time for the entertainment value. It will be interesting to come back to this if the ripcord is never pulled.

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Yeah you guys don’t sound like a cult at all.

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It will be interesting when you get to experience covenants first hand and come back to the thread :relaxed:

There is method in our madness.

I supported that movement. My computer isn’t the best and fullscreen gave me better results. It wasn’t unplayable with no fullscreen but it was worse. It is what it is though.

I know what is coming. Difference is, I like hard choices and I don’t need to have everything.

I’ll come back and agree with you if somehow no guild kills any boss ever because of the system though.

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What’s the hard choice? You can swap covenants.

What i will have for lunch is more meaningful than covenant choice. It’s either meaningful in you can’t change covenants or it’s not as meaningful as you think it is.

Can we move on from this meaningful choice fallacy yet? If you can swap it’s not meaningful in the slightest.

Nobody in the thread has mentioned changing covenants was hard, it’s just a unnecessary hassle.


As it should be.

But what, that’s like saying if you wanted to change clothes at home you have go run a few laps, swim for twenty minutes and have a shower.

Like… why? Either lock them and make the choice permanent or stop shilling this half-measure.


It is still meaningful because swapping isn’t easy. It’s impossible for them to make a choice that you can’t “swap”.

Why? That’s how Azerite gear was before they buckled to

shock horror



I would lock them. Blizz is being generous by letting you switch with restrictions. Be happy for that.

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So you agree the choice isn’t meaningful at all? They’re giving you the car keys to four difference cars - You’re opting to drive one car only but the option is there to swap cars whenever you want you just have to make sure you drive the original car for X miles first.