
Presumptuous of you, given you know absolutely nothing about me or what I like.

You’re rather remarkable in your ability to bury your head in the dirt actually, I tip my hat off to you. Change for the sake of change isn’t a virtue, and it’s directly responsible for why Blizzard has been constantly playing catch up with itself over these expansions. Countless hours of dev time are wasted because they feel the need to change what wasn’t broken, or fix things they stubbornly dug their heels into despite what their players told them.

But no, let’s pretend that this never happened. Let’s just ignore the many times Blizzard has had to cave and either reverse or soften their stances on things they were too stubborn to do.

Ironic as well that you would say wow will keep changing, yet are so adamant to a change that won’t harm anyone, but only benefit the game.


How many times do you need to be reminded you’re allowed to criticize something you enjoy? It’s usually something adults do.

I enjoy watching XX, but the actor who plays YY isn’t very good.

Wild huh?


I mean that is a silly take.

I keep giving feedback and I love the game, but it keeps not listening to the feedback, but Im going to stay. Because i like the game, even if it makes me unhappy.

You can give feedback and agree you don’t like things, but if you won’t enjoy wow at all cause of the systems and can’t find any other fun out of the game. Than the problem is not wow, but you. Wow does not agree with your feedback, so why are you punishing yourself for sticking with it?

Giving feedback is fine, threaten to stop playing when we both know you won’t is silly.

And I know why you all get so angry with this. You know you will keep playing even if the systems makes you mad, or upset…and by doing so you are supporting Blizzard and the people who enjoy the systems. So by even playing and sticking with something you use to enjoy. You are supporting the things you don’t.

I understand, it must eat you up inside. The thing is, systems I don’t enjoy does not bother me…because I find other things that I do in the game.

I never said I was going to stop playing, you assuming things again?

Your entire reply completely misses my post in the original comment.

Like i said, thank god the raid team isn’t inept like other parts of Blizzard.

Its time to listen Blizzard.

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I think they were talking about me in that post. Because apparently now I’m “threatening” Blizzard by saying I’ll come back to the game when they inevitably reverse this, just as they have for every other borrowed power system.


And there’s nothing wrong with that.

But the biggest problem is with people who return later in the game they have so much old content to catch up. I had a tonne of my guildies from Uldir who quit return and when they saw the laundry list of things they needed to do in 9.3 they just… quit again until Shadowlands.

They voted with their wallets and I think that’s a great idea. For me, the enjoyment of playing with my guild and doing the raids outweighs working around a convoluted system… for now.

The moment it isn’t outweighed, I’m out of here.

Honestly, I’m not worried about the catchup. If nothing else, Blizzard has at least understood that falling behind the curve in the game feels terrible.

My only gripe will be whatever the arbitrary and pointless grind for pathfinder is.

My hope is that it will be reversed no later than 9.1, because then I might actually have a chance to enjoy the raids when they’re current, but ces las vis.

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Same, pretty much. Resubbed a month ago, don’t think I’ve logged in to the game for more than an hour in the past 2 weeks. Daunting amount of chores and it’s all going away in prepatch, so just decided to not bother.

I mostly resubbed to post on forums anyway, so no loss, really.

It’s really bad, everyone basically just hanging out for pre-patch.


I can’t believe that blizzard wants me to identify as a vampire rogue.
I want to identify as a rogue that has existed in WoW for 16 years, like a ravenholdt rogue or something.
Why do I HAVE to choose a angel, vampire, zombie, or furry subclass?


I’m failing to see any death knight feeling good about picking Night Fae tbh,

Pretty hilarious, remember when I was saying that covenants will remain like this while tryhards kept screaming how they are just gonna pull some totally literal ripcord?

Fun times, like I said before as expected Ion is doubling down because this is about the direction of the game, and you never pander to toxic people who dont give a damn about RPG elements since they only care about numbers.

Also reminder this thread is literally half the posts if you filter the same 4-5 people who constantly post to make it look big and never stop bumping it

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I get that the word “can’t” makes your post more emotive, but I’m sure you know as much as they do that the actual phrase should be “don’t want to”. The system is anti-fun, not difficult.

And? It’s called a discussion forum, not a “post once and leave” forum. Are you trying to imply that a post with 3.4k posts and 24k views is somehow not relevant because half of them might be repeat posters? Big whoop?

Well that is understandable, what is not understandable is when people try to manipulate the numbers and pretend “oh look there’s much support cuz that thread is huge” which someone tried to do earlier

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No, we’re not allowed to have a discussion in a topic called general discussion.

Maybe we’ll create some more threads about the mount vote.

At what point in the thread ralph has anyone tried to mention how big the thread is in an attempt to prove it’s somehow popular?

Nobody has done that.


This thread IS huge. Regardless of people spending half of it talking to each other.

Stop acting as if people talking to each other means the size of the thread is somehow irrelevant; EVERY large thread has a large number of people with multiple posts. In a relative sense, which is our only point of comparison, this thread, and this issue, are huge compared to most others.

There probably ARE people that have done that, and they are right to do so. The thread is huge relative to threads about most other issues.

Right. So you agree. Im glad we got that sorted.

Ralph you’ve been here 3 posts and you’re already trying to instigate trash talking.

This is not the place for this. It’s trolling.

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They…don’t need to pretend? Just look on the beta forum. You’ll be hard pressed to find anything that has more consensus on an issue than the covenants.