
so alpha/beta/ptr isn’t testing?

God forbid they release a function in World of Warcraft in a functional, working, finished state.

I know it’s been many expansions… but I have faith. They aren’t as terrible as they seem to be.

I do not care as much about covenant swapping as much as about being able to select the covenant that fits my image of my characters without having to consider any gameplay consequences on that choice

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You guys release there was no ripcord right? It was all a ruse to get people to think there was an option.

in no way or form were they going to do an interview and sound negative in anyway. thats how business works.

i think you missed the point of what i was saying. I didn’t even mention the ripcord i just mentioned the fact we are testing already and have been testing. Plus to go more into detail to say that testing shouldn’t be 9.0/9.1/9.2,

Oh I know, you just picked a person who was talking about ripcord so I added you since you were in the discussion and I just joined. I didn’t mean to make you an enemy or anything.

Absolutely agree. I was a shaman during BFA release. one of the classes they’d take a look at since they “didnt get to it”. Which is absolutely a slap in the face to anything. how do you release a game like that.

That probably annoys me more than the ripcord. The fact some entry quest still are bugged after months. Classes are feeling unfinished. Logging in after months and reporting the same bugs. and the fact outside of classes there are more than 120 passive and active abilities thanks to the soulbind/ covenants that will actively have to be balanced.

month left till launch btw.

Yes, i get it, some of you dont care about the balance in the game. (dont at me about i will pick what i want to pick). Lot of us do care so its a major concern for the group that does.

These borrowed powers are just not where I want the game to be. I think the only reason they keep doing it is because were tackling harder and harder enemies as time goes. Eventually all our powers are borrowed powers because out regular skills can’t touch a GODVOIDTITANSAIYANGOKUTURTLEMADEITTOTHEWATERLORDSPAGHETTIMONSTER

now that i think about it. Why do we gain godlike powers? why cant we be in a situation where we cripple the enemy to a point where they can actually be fought by “average joes gym”

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So in other words, the “we’ve talked about it but still haven’t decided when to allow flying yet and when we do maybe it’ll be via an epic quest” of this expansion? :wink:

We all know how well that worked out.

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Oh no clue man. I’ve never been a fan of pathfinder. So honestly I have no clue how to feel about anything when it comes to flying.

You told us there would be a ripcord due to the high number of complaints of the system. Now you’ve told us that there is no ripcord but there are still a high number of complaints of the system. People just want to be able to freely choose the thing they enjoy without being punished. #PullTheRipcord


Create and pull the ripcord.


This will likely be my last comment on this topic, seeing as Blizzard has made up its mind.

To be honest, I am relieved to at least have an answer, and quite frankly glad, in a way, that they are sticking with the system as it is. Because if they had somehow pulled the ripcord (which, as it turned out, didn’t exist), and things had gone awry (and it can be completely unrelated), we will be blamed for it. Now that they are sticking to it, players can actually see what the system is, and who knows? Blizzard might be seeing what we are not seeing. They just might be 2000 IQ. We might just be idiots. Time will tell.

I will say this one last time. For those of you who think we are the 1%-ers, you are very much wrong. The 1%-ers don’t care. They will figure out a way around it. They already have. WoW in a lot of senses is not a game to them anymore. It’s more like a job. They play it because it’s profitable to them, be it world first events, streams, commercial endorsements, etc. We (at least most of us) are just regular players, like you. We might be playing the game differently, but we are still just regular players. So keep that in mind.


Agree, said it earlier.

This way everyone can see the the system first hand and we won’t be blamed anymore.

You can roll with a good smooth wheel…

You can break a wheel…

You can’t reinvent the wheel… Stop trying…

Blizzard’s attempt at “Reinventing the Wheel” = Borrowed Power of Covenants

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And that’s precisely why I’ll renew my sub in 9.2/9.3 whenever they reverse it.

At this point, there’s literally no reason to play WoW on the launch patch of an expansion. Why pay money to be their beta testers?

I would like for BfA to finally be out of Beta after Shadowlands launches though…

I mean if that makes you feel better, but if they don’t reverse it. You are not going to play right? I respect that, even if I find it silly that you can’t adjust to a system you might not like. If that is all wow has to offer to you. So be it.

But the whole beta testing comment was silly, A mmo will always change, and always have balance issues. That does not mean we can’t try new systems.

Can’t adjust to a system you might not like

I’ve been doing that for two expansions now, I’m not going to go through this cycle of unpleasant gameplay because developers are too stubborn to actually listen to the Beta feedback (just look at Ion’s thread.)

There was nothing silly about the beta testing comment. There is a reason BfA is called Beta for Azeroth. An MMO having constant changes doesn’t mean the content when implemented shouldn’t be…you know, finished. That’s a sorry excuse if ever I’ve heard one.


Oh boy, I can’t wait to go Kyrian on my Mistweaver-

Oh, wait. They already nuked it by 97%.

Oh boy, I can’t wait to go Kyrian on my Mistweaver to use a mastery build and play with the new Chi-ji-

Oh, wait. They also killed Chi-ji after reworking it twice.

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I mean sounds like wow is not for you if you are not having fun even with things don’t go how you want.

Because wow will keep changing, it will keep trying new things. Things we might not like, and things we do. and they will build on the systems

The people who say Beta for Azeroth are new mmo players, I understand wow is more of a action rpg than a mmorpg, but times are changing. Embrace it or don’t.

Either way, if this version of wow is so bad that you can’t adapt to the changes you don’t like. By all means don’t play…but i think we both know you will.