
That very well could be, but really? i go back to my garrison just for the music and Ah. So out of all the zones, I still find it the most useful to me.

I mean it looks better than stormwind still looking like something from toon town.

You sure you don’t work for Blizzard? That was a pretty massive ‘fun detected’ moment. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Now this I can get behind 100%

Okie dokie? Is this your attempt to start a fight, or…? Can you not feel fulfilled unless you get one of ‘them’ angry at you?

No, it’s just reflecting who would benefit from player housing the most.

…so, people who have fun different from you are just losers, I guess? Is that the implication, here? I’m just trying to understand.


Didn’t say they were losers?

People would rather decorate a virtual house in a world of magics, dragons, and fantasy instead of exploring that world. Seems a bit counter productive, especially when you can decorate your actual house.

Kinda tough to get a dragon skull to decorate my real home. Also a whole lot cheaper to decorate my fake home. And no, you didn’t say we were losers, you implied it, so you could hide behind ‘I didn’t say it.’

When was it implied?

As much fun as this is, I think I’m done. It’s obvious what you were implying, it’s obvious to everyone who reads it. But, you do you, boo. Keep on keepin’ on and all that.

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Kay. You’re not going to tell me when it was implied, yet say I was implying something. Fine, you keep readin’ between those lines…

So, covenants. Anyone else on their class discords tracking what the best abilities are going to be come Shadowlands?


This is thew wrong argument for that, in the original you couldn’t even change talents, you had to have one character per role, so in effect this is exactly that lol.
What they have come up with is a good compromise

You could swap spec for 50g, which really wasn’t that expensive.

Honestly at this point, there’s no reason for going NF or Kyrian as a Warlock.

My dreams for a dumb Inevitable Demise + NF build are dead for 9.0 :cry:

Ha ha, all these words mean nothing to me, but I trust your judgement. Also, big time looking convoke for me, I can’t really see that changing unless they drop the # of spells even more, which…is a possibility, unfortunately.

TLDR. Big AoE Drain Life.

It was probably always going to be bad, but it would have been fun. And you can’t really afford to go NF when Necro and Venthyr are just objectively better in every scenario for every spec.

Ohhh…I’ve heard of that. Wouldn’t Big AoE Drain Life lock you to affliction as well? I’ve seen talk of it in other threads, and as I understand it, the general consensus is that big AoE DL is bad for destro.

Yeah. Inevitable Demise is a new talent in Shadowlands, coming from a BFA Affliction trait that gives stacking Drain Life damage on Agony ticks.

It was only ever going to be a gimmick, with how strong the Drain Soul + Decimating Bolt (Necro ability) is, you’d never be able to justify going anything but Necro for Aff. But it’d be fun!

As it stands, for Destro/Demo it’s basically an AoE dot, and the Venthyr ability does basically the same thing, but better.