
Just because Blizzard done it before does not mean they always do it.

Did you read that blue post? They pretty much said that undoing it would change a whole bunch of plans/pretty much systems they got in place.

After that post, It is safe to say that you won’t be getting it changed I feel.

He did also say after that, that if it really was a colossal failure they would just rebuild the entire system from the ground up, and it’d be a lot of work, but they would do it.


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Ya, but for it to be that huge. it would take more than people just not liking it. Like way more.

Also I wonder how many raid tiers it would cost. lol

I still don’t forgive them for that

Ralph and I talked on discord pms and talked through our beef.

I actually have no problem with Ralph anymore.

They’ve done it to every system Ion has released, so it’s a 100% budge to feedback ratio currently.

hell my husband still not forgive them for giving hunters energy and removing mana.

Shouldn’t you be like robotisizing woodland creatures or something?

I mean we could see, but if they don’t. i just want you to know. I told ya so.

They will in 10.0 and I’ll have told you so

Lmao! darn 10.0 It better have housing.

To be fair, he also said they had a ripcord ready to pull. Perhaps it’s just my cynicism but I feel like we’re in a “fool me once” situation as far as Covenants go.


I have no problem with focus but I loved playing rsurv from the time I crated this toon back in Cata until they broke it in 6.2 to get people to quit playing it so they could make it a melee spec and I am also somewhat bitter with the fact that all the rsurv abilities they said they were giving to mm were just in name and were useless so not taken .

Amen, sister. Imagine if we could transmog a whole freakin’ house, thatd be gnarly.

Yeah, but they will. It’s just a matter of when


I think we’d need a new dev team before we got playing housing. It’s -really- too bad, having furniture be raid drops would keep me going in a raid far longer than gear does. Just like…a super rare couch off Kael’thas.

Or better yet, guild housing. Bring back some benefit to being in a guild, decorate your guild hall with trophies earned from guild achievements, each person gets a personal room in the guild house.

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I love collecting things, and as much as we do old content. They could have some amazing systems we got so much content that we could farm stuff for housing.

I really think it is silly that they don’t do this. Or maybe they are just saving it, as a. Oh well really messed up this time, and we need to gain favor again. What can we do card.

I think the reason we don’t have housing, and won’t as long as Ion is around, is he can point at Garrisons as a failed player housing system, despite the fact that it has little to nothing to do with what players are actually asking for re: player housing.

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Really? Player housing? I already have my own house to decorate, why do I need a virtual one?

Pull the rip cord on player housing, yo