
Uh oh! You’re know what happens when you do this.

Why not? Why can’t people do the rep like everyone else?

Because it’s tedious and just…not fun? If my buddy started playing the game because he was super excited to be a DID I’d rather he could just, yaknow, play a DID than haveto level to 60, then put off endgame gearing in order to go back to BfA and grind out a rep, then complete a quest, then relevel…all just so he can play what he wants. Why is that too much to ask for?

Well to be fair you made a thread telling people that they are going to be victims of the system just out of spite.

Either way, you all are not getting your way for now. Lucky for you, like I said wow will change again. I’m going to have a blast in shadowlands, and if you still going to play it. Thank you for supporting wow and the system that I enjoy right now. Just like I’ve done for many systems I did not, and maybe you did.


Just out of curiosity, what are the systems Blizzard implemented that you didn’t enjoy?

Obliterating racial abilities.
‘Balancing’ factional specs.

Do you mean adding shaman to alliance and paladin to horde, by this?

Yup. Worst decision ever.

…was it really? I don’t think you’ll find many people that agree with you, to be honest, but…that’s fine. To each their own, I suppose.

Edit: I mean, I’d say Trial of the Crusader as a raid tier was probably a worse decision, personally.


Luckily when the do pull the ripcord I’ll make sure to post a new smug thread like you did telling you how it was coming and we called it for months(years?)


Like you called it before the game was going to launch? I can get behind that prophesizing.

Same way we called azerite vendor, account bound essences and corruption vendor.

Yeah, because we’re the majority.


PvP vendors too, and currency for gear instead of RNG ALL DAY.


Not being able to buy flying at max level right when I get it.

How they treated crafting, and how pointless it felt.

The changes to DK, I still not forgive them for taking away Blood DPS.

Ruining Surv hunter.

The only housing system was done poorly.

Removing of first aid.

How badly Islands was designed.

How they pretty much killed phasing tech in a way I wanted it to be used. I was hoping they would do server wide zone phases where zones would change after awhile making world feel more alive. but with how they did servers now that would die.

Group Finder, and how much I felt it hurt guilds and social aspect of the game.

Warfront was just bad.

Not being able to faction grind with talbs in dungeons.

I can list more if needed, but even with things I dislike I adjust and just found my own fun.

And if it does not change. Does that mean I can tell you I told you so, and show you would a smug post really is?

because that thread really rubbed you the wrong way, and it shows.

My dude, I absolutely agree with you on MOST of these, and a few of these sort of inform why covenants are such a concern for me. The SV hunter treatment was horrible, but who’s to say we don’t get a covenant subjected to the same ‘balance’ a few months into SLs?

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You and i both know 100% that’s its going to happen.

Blizzard will budge to feedback just like they have on every single one of Ions prized features.


I mean it could very well be, but I’m at the point where I’ve accept things are going to be a tug of war with the balance of it.

Wow is old, and trying things that has never been done before. even if it is setup to fail or whatever. I still want to at least try it.

The start of BFA felt like legion lite to me. I was burnt out end of legion, and BFA felt almost the same. The island and repeatable content was the biggest let down.

I will adjust and adapt to the system, and this one I kinda like and agree with.

Fair enough, I suppose. I just truly can’t see how having the ability to play around with all 8 new spells is worse than being limited to 2, but at this point I don’t think we’re going to agree.

The only way it would completely rankle his feathers is if it was Ralph that posted it.

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