
I can adapt to a change and not like it. It’s really not complicated.

If you look at my gear, you’ll notice that I’m wearing Azerite Gear, have Essences equipped and all my gear is Corrupted. I’ve adapted to BFA’s systems, yet I’ve been vocally critical of them, because I didn’t think they were good for the game.

Especially not in their initial iteration.

“You can put a lot of attempts into something and learn it, therefore it isn’t hard”, is a hella spicy take.


Dwarf players only like Dwarves because of Stoneform and 2% Crit Amp is almost as spicy a take as “Dark Souls isnt hard because you can put 100 attempts into a boss”.


Or maybe people in retail can grow thicker skin and adapt for once.

Why are our criticisms of a flawed game system at all indicative of how sensitive we are?

I’m sorry, I’m just laughing at the notion that it’s somehow immersion breaking to not tie a power that you were already given to a choice that you’re forced to make for no other reason than “why not?”

Because it totally makes sense when you’re saving the world to decide 3 of the 4 places don’t deserve your attention. It’s not like we’re freeing souls who don’t belong in the maw. Nah, we shouldn’t send them to where they’re SUPPOSED to go. Nah, we send them to the place that holds the best parties, because to hell with the other people.

Yeah, super realistic world, I’m so glad that Blizzard is making this push for such “meaningful” choices. :rofl:


Like you all are being silly. Anyone who says the story does not fit it. Is flat out full of it. it easily fits.

It just sounds like MMORPG are just not your thing.

Wow has become less and less of a MMORPG and more of a action RPG, with automated grouping systems, and not needing to be social.

This system is the first step of many to come, that I hope Blizzard turns things around.

It’s well known that after you leave Bastion to start questing in whatever the next zone is, you must report to Big Mommy Angel to have your smooth brain scrubbed clean of the covenant ability you were just for sure using and know how to use.

This is only true of LFD and LFR. M+ and actual raiding still requires communication and basic social skills, my dude.


Sorry you seem to consistently forget I’ve already adapted around the system.

It’s what we do.


Did you pay attention to the story? Because how they do things. You can clearly see why that is.

Why do they need me to be swayed to join them? I’m going to spend the entire expansion testing them out regardless.

“This game isn’t for you”, says the guy whose arguing for fundamental changes to how player power in WoW has worked.

How do Covenants make WoW more social?

Sorry Timbo. You’re wrong.

You could only kill bosses because of the Azerite Vendor and Account Wide Essences, even though you killed bosses before they were implemented.

and look at how many people do it?

Here is the thing, the only reason most players don’t like it is because of Group Finder. That is it. They know the community will weaponize it, and make perfect groups base off what one you join.

That is it.

What are you basing that off of, though? You can’t speak for everyone or most players, you can only speak for yourself, just like I can only speak for myself. And for me, my dislike of this system has exactly nothing to do with what group finder will or won’t do.

Repetition is one of the easiest forms of learning in the world.

Yet you still advocate to make the game even more convenient. Brilliant adaptation.

Yes, because It’s absolutely in the best interest of the game.

Nothing is enticing about having less options and being locked out of abilities. Bravo.


I mean whatever, it is the system they have in place. Pick a side and get powers. And the story could expand later on with it.

MMOS always change, and I don’t want new. So ya i know what a mmorpg is thank you.

Sadly they don’t. But I can hope that Blizzard will look at it one day.

I mean, I had to grind out all the ARs that I wanted, doesn’t mean I think people who are playing in SLs should haveto go back and quest through Argus to get Lightforge Draenei, my dude.

I think they are going to make it less social with the lock in.

All these people thinking that the lock in will force people to pick them even if they make a bad game play choice are going to be in for one big reality check.

The 1% won’t be the problem they have their set groups and are making multiple toons for content .

It’s going to be the pug groups that are going to deny them unless they form their own pugs

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I’m not saying what I said is a fact. I’m just going to assume it is that, because I see on mmo champ, and this timbaeslice guy made a thread saying you won’t get picked for pugs based off what cov you pick. To future prove my point about how the community is just sad. And many people saying that if they pick the wrong ones, that they want Raider IO to help them find people with it.

i’m over this system. i’m just gonna google what the best covenant is for each of my classes and stop thinking about it.

That is a very likely consequence of the covenant system as it is, yes. It is entirely likely that people will be excluded either because they chose a sub-optimal covenant for their class/spec, or the group needs a specific covenant to get the, frankly, stupid buffs in any of the dungeons. I don’t think it’s a stretch to assume this will happen.

Love the elaboration from team “this makes sense in the story”.

“MMO’s always change and I don’t want new”, says the guy asking for a completely new type of system.

So why do you use that as a supporting point for them?

Honestly, I think it’s going to be a net neutral change. I’m not going to care who a pug is because of their covenant, any more than I would care about them as a person because of their azerite traits.

It’ll be a decision that factors into whether I play with them or not, but it’s not going to be a “WOW WE BOTH PICKED NECRO AS WARLOCKS, WE HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON”, type scenario.

Primarily I’ll play with the people I already play with. Friends or guildies.

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