
No? I been here awhile. I just know Blizzard has pride, and I also know that if Blizzard caves in after how streamers, and players acted like this. It would empower this trash community to keep on acting this way with any changes they might not agree with. and I would be playing a game that is design by the community not blizzard.

In other words. I hope you all overplayed your cards and Blizzard gives you the middle finger on this issue.

If your DM is letting you change spells on the fly, than your DM is garbage.

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because DND you have strong rules to go by. I can’t keep spamming spells, because i am limited. Even cross class and such.

I can’t just say, ya let me do all the spells. Let me switch to so and so because I am not good at doing so and so.

The wow community is very much spoiled when it comes to class design. the only reason this is a issue is because of pugging to be honest.


NGL, love the new talking point of “number fondling”.

Or as we’ve called it for the past 15 years, “balance”. Which Blizzard have always been awful at.

Because ease of access doesn’t mean the contents easy?

Just look at you. You haven’t even cleared LFR all you gotta do for that is click a button and you get teleported right to it.

Why do you think we won’t be able to adapt? How many times has Timbo said in this thread that he has 4 Shamans ready to go.

Good players will still leave you behind like we currently do.

I’ve played on the beta. I can get exalted with the Wild Hunt and the Venthyr actively sent me out there to help them, but they still won’t let me in their treehouse.

Yes, why indeed. It couldn’t POSSIBLY have anything to do with the fact that you are literally the only creature in existence that is capable of moving in and out of the maw. And that your efforts to stop the jailer will free them from the anima drought.

So, you know. Sure, let’s go ahead and spit on that guy because he had a tea party with some other group who you’re also working with to stop the anima drought.

Assisting the mawwalker ONLY helps them. They lose nothing by assisting the mawwalker’s efforts to stop the jailer.


Covenants just feel like the biggest missed opportunity Blizzard has ever released.

In an ideal world I’d be able to pick what I think looks cool, which is Kyrian or Nightfae after the most recent cinematic - However because I care about the power of my character that changes what I will be going.

It feels like they had an opportunity to build covenant pride like people do with a real meaningful choice like class/faction and blew it.

A huge majority will wade through the expansion drifting between what covenant has the strongest ability at the time and we’ll come out of the expansion with the biggest what-if.

Look at how people are going nuts over what mount choice you picked, we have multiple threads of people claiming to be what team they are for. How can Blizzard see how much passion and loyalty was built up over a choice that has no power associated with it and still think this is a good idea.


So you want them to change how they do things all because you are the maw walker? people that have systems, that the videos show how hard headed, stubborn and old as I don’t know what. Because you are a super hero, it is time for them to work with each other fully.

They are creatures of habit, they are ancient. it makes perfect sense that they still do said habits and it makes it feel even better that they did not change that much just because you are rare.

It is great, and I look forward to Blizzard expanding on it.

I mean, remember For Honor? Game sucked and died super early, but it had conquest seasons, where you played the game and earned ‘points’ for your chosen faction, and players of the winning faction won small rewards on a week to week basis and a larger reward at the end of the season. Why couldn’t we have had a Covenant conquest board and just had covenants 100% locked, but also 100% cosmetic, with their various powers added as a bonus two talent rows?

I’m just spitballing, but to me, that feels like a far better system. We get a sense of faction pride, we spend time working to earn bonuses, maybe a renown bonus for the week, so you can hit cap faster for that particular week. Maybe add a transmog set or mount reward for the overarching seasonal reward, I dunno.


You get an infinite number of tries over seven days. How much easier do you need? I could see if Blizzard went back to raid capping, but I have this strange feeling that all of you would freak out instantly at even the barest notion of it happening.

That wasn’t aimed at ‘good players’. People will adapt regardless of what content they’re doing, like all the other MMORPG’s out there.

Behind what? This isn’t a race. Most people don’t even bother with Mythic since killing the same boss for a fourth time isn’t that appealing.

You are so cute and smart! I like that.

PS: Thanks so much for your Resto tips! Elmyouu healed a level 9 dungeon today and it was fun! I never thought I would be able to heal above a 4, LOL!


That’s why Blizzard has the get out of jail free card that they will 100% use at some point in the expansion

Ohh the covenants have decided working together to beat the jailer is actually a great idea now covenant abilities are a talent row

He’s not saying that, he’s saying using writing as a defense of why covenants only give you one power is absolutely contradictory to the reality of what the writing is.

Ardenwaeld is literally dying.

It makes no sense at all.

We had to sacrifice a grove to keep our home alive, what, no don’t let the person trying to save us use our ability what are you THINKING?


Yes it does, because of how old they are. Old ancients beings don’t change so easily.

It makes sense. You just don’t agree with it.

You know what instills pride more than transmogs and mounts? Unique, factional powers. Dwarf Racials and Orc Racials. Alliance Paladins and Horde Shamans.

All obliterated because ‘muh balance’.

Imagine we’re in the middle of a D&D campaign. You’re playing a LG paladin. The DM suddenly decides that in order to advance towards the BBG you have to either be a pirate in the name of a CE god or help escort little old ladies to their seats at the local temple of your god. One choice gives you loot, XP, and adventure; the other lets you not get excommunicated by your god and lose all your powers. It’s meaningful and therefor a good choice, right?

You’re playing through different stories depending on the covenant you go with. How does that “not matter at all” from an RP stance? How is fighting treason and treachery in Maldraxxis the same as saving the dying forest in Ardenweald?


Old ancients don’t change easily? They already gave us the power to try and help us save their kind then they take it away from us but still expect us to help save them.


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THis isn’t a Table Top Game

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Vanilla WoW and The Burning Crusade.

Ya it is a mmo.

So here is what you do. Build groups that improve on your weakness. If you are worse at AOE. Find people who are good at it.

Great news, Classic WoW exists and Classic TBC will come shortly.

Maybe the people who think that’s more of a meaningful choice can head back there.

Khaelyn, master strategist of General Discussion.

I hear Complexity Limit is hiring.


In other words, if you’re a shadow priest, make sure you have a UHDK, BM hunter, or outlaw rogue in your group?

Oh…I forgot about covenants.

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