
Do you genuinely think that choices being easy to swap is why I’ve gotten CE?

Cause killing N’zoth is a lot more involved than simply swapping to Destro and stacking Flashpoint.

Lack of convenience makes the game less fun.

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I think the way the community is acting. Blizzard won’t change the system, even if the loudest scream now. I think the community cross a line that Blizzard might just stand ground this time. Just like pathfinding

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You realize that Pathfinding was Blizzard caving in, right?

Their original goal was no flying whatsoever in Draenor.

Also Blizzard caved on:

Legiondaries, Artifact Knowledge, Azerite Gear, Essences and Corruptions, many of which were iterated on multiple times.

They’re going to cave on Covenants.


God looking back at some interviews I bet you could find some absolute slapper of comments.


Sure but people not like pathfinder at all, and wanted to keep old system.

They still keep doing it.

Really, I think the community feels it has way more power than it does to be honest, a MMO changes sure and they improve it. But they already said that to do what you want. They will have to undo the plans and change the system up.

They already got plans for the system. When they said that about why they are not going to change it. Your chances of the ripcord getting pulled is so slim.

The covenant system is here to stay. You can tell just by the blue post.

Yeah, It’s basically how every blizzard caving in goes:

  1. This sucks, we want A
    1a) Blizzard releases A with a catch (Azerite swapping cost increases each time you change it, account bound essences locked behind a currency, corruption vendor with a rotation)

We’re all used to it, Ripcord will 100% be pulled by 9.3

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I’m not sure why you think I don’t but that’s not really relevant at the moment.

What makes the choice matter is inflexibility, not power.

Some players won’t care about the RP aspect but the opposite is true as well. Just as a pure min/maxer will pick what makes them go highest on the meters regardless of whether it’s zombies or angels, a pure RPer will pick what fits their character best without caring about how low they end up on the meters (see Sonechka’s response to my earlier post).

The way to make it so all players have a choice that they care about without screwing the players that want to care about both (and aren’t lucky enough to have them match) is to split them. Make the RP choice and the power choice separate. Everyone will have at least one choice they care about, and those in the middle will have two.

If having them be “meaningful” is essential for whatever reason, you’d make changing difficult or impossible.


Also imagine if Azerite worked like Covenants and you dedicated yourself to the Explosive Potential Covenant in Uldir lmao.

…Do you think the Ripcord is just deleting Covenants?

No? it is removing power from it and giving people option to use what spells they want.

Blizzard clearly said that is not what they design system for and they don’t want to do it. That is why the covenant system as it is. Will stay the same.

After reading that blue post. I am 90 percent sure that they will keep this system.

But those actually had merit. Unlocked Covenants is convenience on top of all the other conveniences this game already has.

Unfettered convenience makes RPG’s pointless. I mean, really, how much more convenience do you need to infinitely run a Mythic Raid? Should the two secondary stats just automatically transform into the ‘meta’ stats upon entering the instance now?

It’s almost as if there was no player power attached to the covenants then this wouldn’t be an issue


Why are Covenants different?


Same amount as we’ve always had, really. But picking the best Covenant for raiding is easy.

Some people do more than one type of content which is the sticking point.

It’s actually kinda funny. That’s exactly what Blizzard are doing with weapon drops in Castle Nathria.

You don’t get bows or anything off the loot table. Just a token which you can turn into a Bow for a Hunter or a 2h Sword for a Warrior/DK.

But you’re right. Blizzard shouldn’t coddle people with “always getting usable loot”. Bring back Master Looter so we can DE the Mail bracers that drop off the boss every time!

If you wanna see Blizzard even more confident before immediately backpeddling, here’s a classic.

Good times.

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But that would take the meaning out of the choice. The rp choice not having power tied to it would be silly.

Also I use tabletop example because tabletop rpgs limit you a ton, and some of the choices you make in story can reflect on your char in many ways.

if power was not tied to the system. It would not matter at all, It would just be for looks, and from a story aspect…picking one just for looks is boring. It is just like a fancy version of faction grind we always do every time.

By having some power tied to the choice. It added more weight to the faction grind you do.

I understand people don’t care about the rpg side, but I see no way for both sides to get what we want. Having the choice have a impact. The only way to do that in this rpg is through power.

And it would be boring. It would be a faction grind like we always had in wow. Just fancy version of it. No thanks.

This is possibly the most disingenuous thing I’ve ever read. If Blizzard had announced the system, ripcord pulled, with a complete separation of powers, you would not be coming here asking for them to lock the powers into the covenants. No in fact, quite the opposite.

Want to know why? Because the STORY doesn’t even support it like this. You talk a big talk about immersion, yet you ignore that the story has you, the big champion mawwalker out saving all of the covenants, who are all working together. If there is anything that breaks immersion, it would be the mawwalker suddenly choosing one covenant over everyone else and giving a finger to 3/4ths of the people they’re supposed to be helping.

No, this is entirely a mechanical system for the sake of mechanical systems, which has been Blizzard’s Achilles heel since Legion. And every single time, the community highlights the key weaknesses of these systems that Blizzard eventually caves on, because it turns out they had a point.


for EACH of the above systems, the playerbase told them ahead of time why they wouldn’t work. They insisted on going live with them as-is, and wouldn’t you know, they backtracked on it. every time.

just like they’ll backtrack on covenants.


I genuinely think it’s Khaelyn’s first time with a system like this.

They’re so confident that Blizzard won’t immediately backtrack on it once the general population runs into the problems that beta testers pointed out like 6 months ago.

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  • Not RNG based.
  • Not tied to gear.
  • Not restrained by AP.
  • Spec accessible.
  • Easy to swap.

Everything that was an issue with the previous systems are not relevant in the Covenants besides number fondling, which can change in the drop of a hat.

When you make access to content so easy and the optimization so flexible that your spec is near indistinguishable from any other, why bother making classes unique in the first place?

Those people will adapt. Like any other MMORPS with fixed limitations, players adapt to the game. Why is this such an impossibility in WoW?

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? I would come here and say I am not happy about that choice at all. In fact, I would be sad that I did not get to play the system I wanted live, before it got changed. Also, disingenuous? you are throwing a hissy fit for not getting your way, and for me not agree with you.

This right here is a flat lie. If you played the beta. You would know it fits just fine, You are just repeating what streamers have said. it is a cute talking point.

The story itself supports it just fine. Just because you don’t agree with said story does not mean a thing. The system is very tribal and they work with each other. But you are loyal to one, they want your power. I mean they do this for souls after all. Why the heck would they not want to claim you as the champion of cause and be pissy if you join another? There whole system design base off it.

You might not agree with the story, but don’t throw a hissy fit just because it fits and we don’t agree.

I don’t really understand using something like DnD as a bastion of meaningful choice. In DnD, if I’m playing a wizard or barbarian and wanna, say, start stealthing, I multispec rogue next level. Now I can be a sneaky barbarian. As a wizard, if I’m going into a fire type dungeon, I can change all my spells around. Players are constantly interacting with the DM, things are always flexible in tabletop games. How does that line up with locking characters to 2 actives for 2 years?

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