
I own the Chronicle books and they don’t mention “a single adventurer” being the sole focus of the story. They mention groups of adventurers doing various world-changing things.

I don’t think there’s going to be a single mawwalker, it’s going to canonically be a bunch of them.

How did they make so many Ashbringers?

Underpaid interns.

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We’re not talking about the Chronicle books. We are talking about the shadowlands story. And in the shadowlands, you are called the Mawwalker, because you are THE ONLY person who has returned from the Maw.

Yes there are other players in this game, just like Legion had a ton of paladins running around with Ashbringer. That doesn’t change that canonically, there is only one Mawwalker, and for whatever reason Blizzard decided that the Mawwalker would choose to piss off three of the four factions they’re trying to save.

I have no doubts you’d best all of us here with one hand tied behind your back.

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…that’s how Blizzard made them. I was more looking for an in universe explanation.

Just like there was a paladin with Truthbringer, and all the other members of all the other class halls that united against the Legion. There is no single adventurer doing everything in the world.

Good thing I’m only talking about THE MAWWALKER then. In which it is explicitly stated you’re the only one.

Do you really not understand this, or are you just intentionally trolling this thread?

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Makes no sense… whatsoever.

Blizzard: We want players to have a meaningful and impactful choice picking a covenant for their choice in appearance and storyline.
Players: I want to be able to pick a specific covenant, but that covenant doesn’t have a utility for the spec I play.
Blizzard: Yes, we want it to have a “choice” and it has positives and negatives for choosing it.
Players: Well, then I can’t choose the covenant I want… and/or the spec I will be or worry about changes in the future that will unbalance the covenants
Blizzard: If it becomes a problem, we can just pull the ripcord to address the problem
Players: It’s a problem now. Pull the ripcord
Blizzard: Actually, we don’t have a ripcord to pull. We disagree that this is a problem. We want you to have the freedom to choose.
Players: I won’t have the freedom to choose if I raid or mythic+ team.
Blizzard: Well you can change it, but we’re going to make it hard to change.
Players: How does that even help?
Blizzard: Thanks for all your feedback.
Players: Wait, what? Sounds like a tremendous launch, I wonder if 9.3 they will admit they should have listened, and going forward they will take things brought up in the beta to address things faster.
Blizzard: We wouldn’t say that for the fourth expansion in a row…


I’ll just leave this here


A MMORPG is not the same as a RPG. They’re two entirely different genres. It’s clear when MMORPGs have junk like this added to artificially extend play time without actually adding features or content. We’re paying for a bucket filled with air. Unlike The Witcher 3, which was a proper RPG and had hundreds of hours of content without any need for time gating or artificial bloat. You simply progressed through the content as you reached it instead of dealing with gimmicks.

Unfortunately, there seems to be a bunch of players who play this game as if it was just a regular RPG with optional multiplayer mode… and then assume that that’s how it’s meant to be played and talk about the game as if everyone played it that way.


Yeah, basically. I mean, with dungeons you run, you have repair bills, with the new gear you get you have to enchant it and gem it, and you need certain enchants, or gems for whatever build you go.

Imagine your meaningful choice being nerfed, then having to remake a meaningful choice and regrind for that meaningful choice. SmH my Fing H, dude.

That man Ion has got some really great points, if only he was our Game Director.

’Players’: We want you to adapt the game to us.
Blizzard: What?
’Players’: We hate thinking outside of a calculator and are incapable of adjusting to anything that isn’t a total convenience for instanced play.
Blizzard: Well, we’ve made specs, talents, gear, content, and content rewards at your finger tips since Wrath.
’Players’: That won’t do Blizzard. If there’s something we can’t immediately change, how can we blame it for our own lack of cognition?
Blizzard: You’re that debilitated?
’Players’: Blizz, C’mon, we’re the same group of people that ran away from the game when flying was taken out and sulked for every expansion afterwards about Pathfinder. Give us absolutely zero credit for being able to adjust.

Well, the idea is apparently that the abilities don’t matter, but at the same time the choice wouldn’t be meaningful without them. Not sure how that works, but… I guess that’s RPG now.

Eh, that was probably a bad example on my end, but my point remains. Just because you make a decision that’s different doesn’t mean its good and telling people your decision isn’t bad it’s just different is objectively false.

For example healing someone at full health instead of someone with low health

Labeling the action differently, rather then bad doesn’t make the action acceptable.

Yes pull it already.

MMO isn’t a genre.