
I can adapt. You can’t.

What’s your problem? I told you WoD was the best expansion to play alts and it was, why are you falling back to trying to be condescending? It’s not my fault you don’t know how to read properly.

What content have you done that had required you to adapt?

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Pick one. Druid is the most adaptable class in the game. Tanks leaves? Guardian. Healer leaves? Resto. Caster oriented fight? Balance.

The literal Jack-of-all-Trades, not that it means anything in THIS game.

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So merely playing druid proves I’m adaptable?

Great news!

Hello fellow adapter!


And Blizzard even made it more convenient by putting two main stats on your gear at all times! And there’s always two secondary stats as well!

Everything is just so gosh darn convenient and flexible without needing to think.

I don’t know about you guys but I’m really looking forward to playing BFA when the beta phase actually ends :stuck_out_tongue: .


8.3.5 got scrapped :upside_down_face:


You still can’t do mythic raiding.

Sim every piece of gear and do an infinite amount of runs over the coarse of a week, while listening to DBM and the raid leader shrieking in the background?

Such a high bar to hit.

(hand you a comforting cookie) Do not engage them, they are out to drive people nuts. They will provoke if given the chance.

(comforting hugs)

More choices caters to everyone.

Just to be clear, you couldn’t put forth the effort to do that?

So don’t cater to meta slaves.

It’s time, basically. Why waste time on a dead patch when I could be getting ready for the new expansion?

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Great you agree all of this should be freely swappable to cater to everyone, not just “meta slaves”


Why waste time doing anything in this game when the next patch resets you? Stellar logic.


I didn’t say that. There’s enough convenience in this game as it is; people being so unwilling to adapt in an RPG is interesting…

I still benefit from BFA alchemy, while farming Horde in the prepatch with semi-decent gear while everyone flails about without Corruptions.

Yes but the base of this comment comes from you saying “everything is easy if it’s accessible”. Every tool was available at your disposal at the beginning of 8.3 thus being accessible and you still couldn’t manage mythic raiding.

Just point out one of the many…MANY flaws to your argument.


It is.

Was trying out different classes to decide what my main was going to be, both on Horde and Alliance. Again, this raid tier really held nothing of interest.

You think they’re flaws, but in actuality its someone making their own choices that don’t congeal with your own.

Then you could have easily done mythic raiding yes?

If it’s easy why not do it? Sounds like the excuse of someone lazy.

My god the irony of this statement is palpable.

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