
For the love of Azeroth pull the chord!


I mean, it’s not even necessarily about being better than other people.

The fun of WoW is the theoretical side. Having a flexible build that you can adapt for the content you do, is in my opinion the entire reason of why the talent system works. Covenants go against that and just promote the lazy path of picking whatever works generically best, for your class or the content you do.

But even then, if you’re primarily interested in character power in whatever content you prefer to do, doesn’t mean you’re not interested in other stuff. I love pet collecting and pet battling, but I’ll never choose that over raiding or M+. It’s just a fun thing to do to add more hours to my gameplay beyond raid prep and actually doing the raids.



I’m not in their discords.

Blizzard, can you just delay the expansion and make an actual ripcord for the covenants and soulbinds, kthx.

It legitimately annoys me how so many of these anti-ripcord trolls immediately assume I’m some min/maxing a*hole who only cares about the highest parses.

It doesn’t matter how many times I say “I pick abilities and talents based on if I find that more fun to play rather than if it’s good, and I pick cosmetic choices based on if I like their aesthetics,” they will still yap like pomeranians the instant I say I want the powers isolated from the covenants.

It absolutely baffles me how anyone, Blizzard included, can think that it is a good idea to force me to choose between what I have more fun PLAYING and what I have more fun EXPERIENCING. I just want to be able to experience the story content the way I want to, and then the mechanical power decisions be in a different venue. That’s it. Why does my STORY decision have to effect how my character beats up random mob #428191?
Blizzard likes to talk a big game about how Shadowlands is Blizzard “not getting in your way,” well then own up to your words and get out of my way, Blizzard. If you REALLY want to kill off this parsing culture that you hate, then stop treating the game like an esport.


It’s because so many people keep pushing this as a “mythic raiders” vs “everyone else”


It’s utterly baffling to me. Here I would have thought that a casual player would WANT them unlocked. A min/maxer is going to min max regardless. If anything, they are the least effected by this.

Who this decision really sticks it to are the people who want to make an RP choice, but end up with unsatisfying gameplay because of it. Why should I have to choose between enjoying the story and having a more fun class?


That’s also a point i keep trying to drive home, the # was born on this forum by a few other people from the monk discord.

I’ve already got three shamans and I was never going to play with pugs, I’ve got my own guild. The success or failure of this doesn’t impact me in the slighest.

It really comes down to:

Here are four free cars
No i only want to drive one.


The reasoning I’ve seen is that if you can’t switch, people won’t discriminate in the PuG scene or wherever if you don’t choose the best option.

Kinda like how Legiondaries or Corruptions were in the beginning.

But the main problem with that reasoning is that you couldn’t choose what Corruptions or Legiondaries you got. So sure, you’d be massively gimped if you got Sephuz or Ineffable Truth instead of something OP like the Fire Mage Bracers or IS R3, or stuff like Expedient, but it was never a fault of you, the player for making a bad decision.

Whereas you can choose with Covenants and you can swap (albeit in a really annoying fashion), so the end result will still be “oh, you’re Night Fae as a Warlock? Well we’re going to take the Warlock who went Necro”.

The Covenants have such massively different thematics and goals, that it’s going to suck for all the Death Knights, who instead of getting to go to Maldraxxus who align perfectly with most DK thematics, will probably end up going Night Fae since their ability is just way better.

Paraphrasing I think it was Margarita? Who said it earlier in the threads, for many players story is a want, but character power is a need.

And putting a need up against a want is no contest whatsoever.


It’s sad, after watching the Ardenweald cinematic I really enjoyed it. Would love to just hang out with my grove tending buddies on all my shamans really.

Damage control. Just make up whatever BS to quiet the masses.

& agreed that these new Diablo 3 devs need to go. Get a new writer while they’re at it. One with less waifus.


Patch 9.3 = Assaults 2: Electric Boogaloo
N’Zoth is revived by his masters, God-Queen Sue-vanas and God-King Danu- I mean, Nathanos, and continues his attacks on the Shadowlands.

Grind Visions of Flappybird to get a cloak for your covenant that adds up to ten more abilities depending on your spec! (Balance mileage may vary)

Also introducing anima corruption that has a chance to drop on all gear, including appear on your lvl 1 character’s starter set! According to your covenant it kills you in different ways! (since they have no covenant lowbies just die and are deleted from the game)

To remove anima corruption from your gear you have to complete an epic chain quest that requires you to switch through all four covenants to earn the legendary Covenant Friendship Ring™ that allows you to gather anima mementos.

But wait, there’s more!

You don’t get the anima right away. You gotta do eight world quests to get enough for one cleanse! And also anima mementos are covenant locked, so if you get the wrong one, tough luck, kiddo, your choice wasn’t meaningful enough.


Good transmog is at least 20% extra DPS, that’s just common knowledge.

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This is basically what I want too. In Legion I didn’t have to decide I’d be Ret and have to do 2 weekly quests just so I can go back to Holy and in BFA I didn’t have to decide which rogue ability I wanted when picking between Aldor and Scryers so why am I suddenly being forced to now.

I just want to go Kyrian for the story and cosmetics but I don’t look at Kyrian as Kyrian or Venthyr as Venthyr. I look at it as Steward and Divine Toll and Door and Ashen Hollow because story doesn’t complete my M+ and arena matches and it makes me sad that my choice of what story I want is being taken away because of that.


How do you balance a teleport (Venthyr) that can skip trash packs and close gaps between players in Arena.

Then balance against Kyrian that has potion that can heal you for almost 75% of your total health in a HoT?

You can’t especially with all the variables and class kits combined with the certain bosses or players you’re playing against.

Good luck on the balance changes, Blizzard because if you nerf a covenant that the players made a MEANINGFUL CHOICE on, there will be a firestorm of whining and crying on the forums worse than azerite gear.

But, hey go ahead and waste time trying to balance it like you said. I hope you change your mind in 9.1 when you could’ve reworked three classes by then instead of balancing covenants to stay competitive with each other.



You mean the tangible evidence in the form of complaints from beta players complaining about the sheer differences in power on covenant powers? Or are we redefining what tangible evidence is? People that have first hand experience with the system is bad just like azzerite. Also just like with azzerite people are saying “oh its fine blizz can make it work”.

In the example of enh there is currently only one cov ability that is instant cast which is vesper totem. The others require a cast timer or to spend maelstrom stacks. Im going to go Necrolord regardless of the power difference but even I can see that im not the only spec thats in the dog house over this power system.

6563 at the time of this reply and I’ve yet to see one…ONE good logical reason to keep covenants locked.


The only person that got you forum banned was yourself.

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I think what pisses me off isn’t that he read the feedback and was like “guys guys please. I really think its not that big of a deal. We will balance the covenants” Its that he completely lied about having a ripcord in case things didn’t work out. So even “if” we get a ripcord pulled they wont have one made by 9.3 if we are lucky.

I am actually curious though speaking to other raiders. How many crappy systems are they gonna push down our throat before we say enough is enough and just mass unsub. For me raiding is the big crux of why i keep playing. That content has always been fun as hell for me. These stupid systems they keep releasing in a botched state then finally fixing by the .3 patch is really starting to grate at me though.

In my experience, it causes more of a bleed out and prevents people from coming back.

I’ve had so many friends this expansion be really interested in coming back to play, but give up halfway through the Essence/Corruption grind.