I’m agaisn’t covenant not for pure min/maxing reason.
I think they’re just badly designed.
And that they limit gameplay and fun more than they add in their current form.
Remove all Covenant abilities until they can be properly balanced.
Instead, make all covenants just add Xmogs, Pets, Glyphs, etc…
Re-add covenant abilities when Blizzard can get enough time for balance.
But what do I know, I am on the potato Spectrum.
So what you are saying min/max does not matter.
There’s nothing wrong with the noble spud. Without them, we wouldn’t have Light and Tangy chips. Or Irish people (despite the Brits best efforts).
Sorry can you mention where this thread is about min maxing? The only time it is used is in the original post as it is an attack on people who do min maxing (Which it is). Or you just trying to strawman an argument again?
This thread is about untying covenant abilities from covenants to make my meaningful choice meaningful.
We do nzoth with 18 people each week and we have for months, does that mean min/maxing doesn’t matter?
My position, either:
- Buff and tweak the covenant abilities to be in equal power (or close to) to each other; make the covenant’s permanent
- Make them talents.
No halfsies BS.
But some can’t work equally fundamentally.
Vesper totem will always be useless in PvP because it dies in 1 hit. How do you balance that?
Change the ability. Blizzard literally did this with Blessings of the Seasons.
Trying to have them all be balanced in all content will just lead to a bunch of samey abilities. Which is even worse.
Every class is literally same-y as it stands. You can make things unique from each other and not make them too situational.
For example, Abomination Limb doesnt have to gimp you in every content outside of PvP.
NO we just want the choices that are for our specific class.
For this toon I want the hunter abilities , I don’t want mage or paladin or what ever other class abilities for it. I am fine with them all being tied to my preferred aesthetic covenant coice’s soul bind .
I want the ability to experiment and see what works best for the content I am doing at the time be it pve or pvp on this toon . I don’t want something where I have to make a duplicate of the same spec for each type of content.
What? They are? I didn’t know rogues, mages, and hunters could tank, heal, and DPS too? Man, I should reroll to a rogue then.
Because the content for it was so enticing. Yea corruptions are very well received. Especially knowing that they are soon to go away
Being able to pick whatever you want whenever you want to do certain content over other content implies a certain level of min/max.
You wanna call it something else, go for it.
Bottom line: You don’t want to be forced into making decisions that limits what you have access to use because it might limit you in being above average on some content.
I, on the other hand, think that is an interesting idea that people are forced to make choices, gives more flavour to the game, and I believe it can make doing some content more interesting.
End of discussion (at least, on my part) that has gone on wayyy too long and been taken to places beyond the context of this discussion, because everyone has run out of things to say a long time ago.
Good gameplay.
They have designed covenant abilities to be dps talents, let them work as such.
Oh stop that. Classes (looking to roles) have all felt somewhat the same for a while, niche based specs arent a thing anymore.
You can give covenant abilities better power rankings without sacrificing uniqueness.
Meh, I went for the mount and helped a lot of people get their cloak to 15 (and maxed out corruption), and achievements.
Extra sockets were just a really nice byproduct of that process.

Classes (looking to roles) have all felt somewhat the same for a while, niche based specs arent a thing anymore.
Except they are like how some classes are way better at PvP, helping the group push M+. Some classes actually feel better because of mobility enhancement and crowd control. Some classes are more bursty, some classes have ramp up time.

Except they are like how some classes are way better at PvP
Im ignorant to PvP.

helping the group push M+. Some classes actually feel better because of mobility enhancement and crowd control.
Which comes down to class utility. Im mostly talking about how same-y-ness like rotations are (for clarification).
Literally a long running joke was how every DPS class was getting a burn phase.

I, on the other hand, think that is an interesting idea that people are forced to make choices, gives more flavour to the game, and I believe it can make doing some content more interesting.
On paper, I agree.
But the elephant in the room is Blizzard themselves. Legiondaries, Azerite Traits and Corruptions were all chances to create incredibly unique playstyles.
But how did that actually turn out? Blizzard flubbed the balancing, so everyone just gravitated to what was best for their spec/class.
Blizzard have literally a 0% success rate on tuning systems like this, and they require a ton of additional dev legwork and monitoring to turn into systems that just aren’t actively awful.
Michael J Fox would have a better chance to pulling off brain surgery than Covenants being balanced, and no matter how much you desire individual choices to matter, if there is an imbalance, people will gravitate to what imbalance benefits them the best, whether it’s something that’s OP, or just sucks less than the others.