
Lets play “On what planet do you not pick Necrolord as Warlock”!

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Pretty much. Which is a shame, because there’s some cool interactions with Venthyr and Night Fae with Aff abilities or talent setups. Imagine a fully stacked, Inevitable Demise on a full value Soul Rot.

But they’re corner cases, or outright bad for the other two specs, so I’ll more than likely be picking Necrolord because it’s just generically good in every situation, and absolutely busted in certain situations.

Im basically there as DK. Basically it boils down to when isnt Venthyr good for me.

The only thing I can think of is 2H Frost, but even then…Obliteration Build needs Runic Power

Hahah Death Knights being forced into picking Night Fae if they care about damage haha aw god.

Night fae dks hahahahhaa

looks at Venthyr runic power battery ability

plays DW Frost

Jokes on you, Venthyr is superior.

There’s a certain irony in Necrolords being awful for Death Knights considering they were made in Maldraxxus’ image with Maldraxxian magic.

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You guys are mad sleeping on Swarming Mist. Like that ability is strong for no reason.

It’s a good ability, but the night fae one is still so strong.

This right here. #PullTheRipcord I am happy about sub coming back I don’t want to lose it again.


Frost, I dont believe so especially with BoS. 2H is still a meme so unknown (I would see it to counterplay lack of AoE, but I’d probably go Kyrian for that extra ST damage.)

Unholy is a 50/50. SM for AoE is just amazing…aka how fast do you wanna spam Epidemic.

Blood has potential with Venthyr. I’d still go for it over Night Fae due to preference. Death’s Due is great for them tho.

I put NF and Venthyr in the box of “mechanically strong, best one will be decided by the tuning gods”.

Kyrian and Necro are in the “meme tier unless Blizzard decides to buff it by like 1000% for some reason” box.

Its basically “How many enemies are you fighting.”

You have frostscythe for aoe, and that build doesn’t need much rp. That’s my problem with playing venthyr for frost. It might be good in some situations but night fae would just be alkways good.

You wouldnt take Swarming Mist for AoE, but RP regen. Thats why its probably best for BoS build.

Icecap is probably Deaths Due.

I’m just saying that venthyr suggest you play the breath build. Yes same.

I love how we’re having this discussion like how it should be.

This is the potential of Covenant abilities



2h better be more than memes, I hope. If not, well…I’ll have fun anyways.

2h might just be a pvp thing. So you’ll play necrolord with it if you want to go full pvp.

2h Obliteration with Abomination Limb sounds actually terrifying.

Abomination limb is a caster’s nightmare. It might actually get nerf because of pvp.