Bowdacious / Dalaran isn’t you? Jeez that’s a coincidence huh.
Whoever this mysterious hunter in the discord called Bowdacious / Dalaran is, he’s a simming monster. He talks about simming all the way back in Legion at length. He’s an impressive one.
It’s like 3.2k Mementos for a semi-efficient 5 mask, or about 7.8 runs per socket. Looking at almost 80 runs if he farmed all his sockets.
I did like 20ish runs when I was doing my Expedient grind? But a lot of those were 4 masks since it’s far less risk for marginally less reward. And I still haven’t recovered from the burnout from that.
Again, whether I have purchased or had sockets on gear drop is irrelevant to the conversation. If it makes you happy, I think I got 3 or 4.
Whether I ran 30 or 100 visions, either for mementos, boredom, helping undegeared guild members get their cloaks levelled or trying to get the mount only has a relation to this topic in one way:
If you are so worried about player power and being denied the opportunity to be great at everything, why didn’t you invest the time to get all your sockets?
You NOT having 10 sockets is really contrary to your whole point of trying to max out your player power.
If you can’t deal with #pulltheripcord then you can pick a new game xd
Because the question is only when they will pull it.
Most people agree that it’s just a matter of time.
We’re basicly only fighting so they do it earlier than later.
Imagine thinking you live in mediocrity and thinking your covenant choice matters even though it only lasts two years, and the system in place to go to a different covenant is so hashed and underwhelming to switch that you think your super special choice means anything.
I don’t think Blizzard have ever mentioned a Plan B without actually having one. Most of the time, we don’t even know there IS a Plan B until it hits PTR or Live. Just look at stuff like Corruption Vendors or the Cloak catchup mechanisms.
People underestimate how significant acknowledging the ripcord exists is.
Isn’t picking a generic build that is adequate in all areas basically the definition of mediocrity though? Because that’s what Covenants encourage. Y’know, besides the classes who have a busted Covenant that’s just objective the best in all situations for all specs (hi Rogues!).
Experimenting and innovating is actively discouraged by being unable to return to the faction that you know is strong.