
My argument is remove player power from them. Then I have no problem being locked to them. Hell, I wish there was more then four for more transmog options.


No, your argument is that you do not want to have to make a choice, but have every player power you want in the game available to you.

And even if they gave you that, what next? You’d likely also want total freedom to choose any player power options on demand, as well.

At some point, there is no pleasing people.

Suck it up, make a choice, play the game.

I want to make a choice, I very much would like to make a choice based on what covenant i think looks the most appealing (Kyrian)

Instead I will be picking what is strongest.

Why don’t you take a deep breath and read through the thread again?


No, you want all the choices.

Rather than a subset of the choices.

That is what you are asking for.

Can’t for the life of me understand why some people are so desperate to be locked to less options.

Are you a fan of culling abilities or?


…So like it’s been for the last 15 years? Absolutely.

I mean, I’ve been okay with not having Time Warp or Stealth as a Warlock. I’d just like to use all the abilities that Blizzard said are for Warlocks in Shadowlands.


There is no culling of abilities, it is cumulative addition of specific set of new abilities based on the covenant you pick.

There is nothing being culled from anyone.

Basically, I am a fan of diversity and forcing people to make choices that matter.

For 95% of the player base, it will not really matter what covenant they pick, regardless of what you have read that is trying to convince you otherwise.

Are you a cutting edge mythic raider that also runs +25 keys?

Likely not.

Pick a covenant, enjoy the game.

I am looking forward to the system, too bad there are those who cannot just enjoy the game as it evolves.

Now your a mind reader! God damn!

Again, your point?

You have none.

Actually, no you’re not. Going to stop you right there chief.

What are you basing this on?

I’m a multiple cutting edge raid leader who’s been 2400 in arena. I don’t like keys outside of my weekly and even then I’ve done 21’s.

I’ve got some of the best players in the entire region in my raid who would take me to keys if i asked them nicely. There are multiple +6000 RIO players in the guild.

Not sure if you were trying to rank check me but where do the 95% players number come from?


How do you plan on discrediting this?

Looking forward to your response!

Edit: Also can’t help but notice all your has sockets, you’ve got BIS corruption and talents.

Naughty naughty you trying to attack the system while being a tryhard yourself. 10 Sockets? You go even harder than i do.


Amen. Not even just player power. The covenants present multiple stories that we want to enjoy as well. Some players do not play with many alts and just want to fully experience the narrative on that main character. We are going from giving that main character 50% of the narrative (Factional Differences) to 25% a Covenant related narrative.

In other words the player is losing story. In BFA each faction had a story as it has been in wow for a very long time.

Now each faction has a story focused on covenants of which the main player will only get to play 1/4 of the content.

This is not me I love alts but many of my friends do not. They are one and done and stick with the game for the story while playing pretty well.

Blizzard said that they did not want to make the player feel like they made a wrong choice by not playing alts. I think this is giving the players a bad choice because they cannot experience even 50% of the daily story and have progression with the factions.

I am worried that those players will get bored faster. Which is why I argue the covenants should not be tied to player power. They are literally gimping the narrative experience for many players that until today have enjoyed more story content.

almost as if i picked my class because i like it in most content because I’ll use it in most content. Imagine that.

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I do find it absolutely smashing that a person who has

  1. Best corruption
  2. Sockets in every piece of gear (10 sockets! Impressive!!!)
  3. Meta talents

Is against a system that allows min/maxing. You know that picture of the scooby gang pulling the ghost mask off the person? It’s awfully relevant in this situation.

He was the try hard all along!

Bah gawd he’s even in the hunter discord try-hard community in shambles.


I really dont care how you play. My point is give others the choice.

Here, typical Tuesday for me when I was subbed was to log in and check the chest. If I got a good key I might run one in the morning, then I would raid at night. There was also times if people had off from work in my guild I might do some arena which I suck at or even do a bg when I find fun from time to time.

With the system in place for SL I’m doing nothing but logging in before raid, doing raid and logging out, same on wed and then I would not touch a key until I know I dont have to change back. Probably not touching pvp as well. Man, that sound so fun. In fact it sounded so fun I got refund on SL and wont be coming back until it changes.

Well, you have 2 choices - play the game or leave.

It ain’t gonna change for launch

If you were truly that invested in the game you would find ways to make it work. Rather, you seem more interested in busting veins in your head trying to figure out min/max rather than enjoying the game.

I mean, it is a game…

Curious why you’re in the hunter class discord talking about how much you sim for if you don’t care about min maxing?

my sims basically have all stats between 2.03 and 2.06

In absolute awe at you lad, some of my raiders don’t even do this much. You looking to trial in a try hard guild?

My god man you even trash your raid group in the discord, have mercy you’re brutal!


These two things are contradictory in the context of WoW.

It’s never been a surplus of choice that has lead stagnant class metas, it’s been improper balance to those choices. It doesn’t matter if you have 50 different choices if 48 or 49 of them are just objectively worse.

Which is the core issue with Covenants. Sure they could work if they’re perfectly balanced. But you’re functionally betting on something that Blizzard have never managed before.

And when Covenants aren’t balanced, your choice evaporates. Just like you have no choice to play BM, or use a certain build, or stack certain Azerite traits, or Corruptions, etc, if you want to be competitive, you will be forced into doing the same with Covenants.

The only functional way of making Covenants into an actual choice, and not just a noob-trap, is to either homogenize, or straight up remove the character power from them.


Genuinely impressive. I’ve got like 6 sockets, and I’m pretty sure like 3 of them came with my gear.

Visions suck.

That is your choice based on your perceived view of how things will play out. You have already decided it will be a fail before launch has even occurred.

Think about it - everyone will be in the same boat, better at some things, while good enough at others.

If player power is what concerns you the most, and you think it is really going to be an issue, pick at what you want to be best at and accept that you will be good enough at the rest.

Or throw a tantrum and don’t play.

This might be shocking to you, but people play the game for different reasons. And whats fun for you, might not be fun for someone else.

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