Yeah, maybe it is true. Everyone is so focused on min max for anything else to matter.
Yeah, we sure do abandon them alright.
The Venthyr must have felt so betrayed when I went to the Kyrians…to accept a quest to go save the Venthyr from destruction.
Call me Illidan, because boy am I such a betrayer.
Pull it. Holy crap.
A choice or a ultimatum? I resent that I suddenly have to choose between content types when before I could make a set and be set for that content. The shadowland system will be like having my first talent choice locked and being obligated to pick synergistic talents for that locked talent for the entire expansion, its awful.
#PULLTHERIPCORD. You and your playerbase deserve this win, Blizzard. Just do it already so we can complain about soulbinds instead.
I hear the arguments about “How an MMO should play” but those are from people who are RP casuals. If something dramatically affects game play it should be balanced.
Game play should be hard, picking which team to play on should be easy.
I’ve noticed a trend with players who don’t want the ripcord to be pulled. A majority of them just do LFR, and no real content that matters. They talk like they’re affected by it, but they don’t even do the content required where covenant choice matters.
Despite if this is true or not, it’s important we don’t dilute the thread into attacking those people.
What’s important is we keep spreading the message of #PullTheRipcord.
Just wanna say…
I want freedom to experiment.
Yeah, that sucks.
I mean, first you are locked by the class you choose, and then by the spec you choose.
When will the madness end?
Everything should just be the same. For everyone. In every single way.
That way, you do not have to choose anything.
You might also want to ask for your toons to be all auto-levelled to 60 and given full mythic raid gear on launch, too. And not Castle Nathria mythic gear, the last raid tier mythic sets only, please.
I mean, why even play…
Ah was wondering when the ol’ strawman would reappear.
Going from “I don,t like covenants” to everything should be the same is a bit a slippery slope xd
Lamest duck argument in the thread really
Do you have a real argument or is this hill you’re dying on?
Narrator: They did not.
My argument is about as relevant as yours, and that was my point.
Glad you finally realized the hill you are dying on is pretty stupid, too.
This actually made me laugh, get pressed about a point and then just try to wrap up the conversation.
That’s not how it works, my guy.
We got a winner boys!