
Because of power.

Weird, because both arms warrior and survival hunter do have mortal wounds. So do most the other melee. Fury does not. You are right it is apples to oranges. Arms and Surv are good in pvp, for many reasons. Fury is not.

Did you ever think that this was a trial run for something more? Like the mage tower or visions leading to a full on rogue?

This is literally homogenization. You think its ok for covenants but troll for classes/ specs. Ok.

Weird, because for the three specs I play, it is doing that.

Yes because of powers, because abilities you use have a big impact on gameplay.
It’s not because I care about multiple things that I can’t care also about power.

See all those other things you listed don’t matter: It is only about power!

They matter all in their own way.
I’m just stating why I don’t like covenants.

Systems will always be involved in character power. Otherwise they won’t matter in the slightest.

Yes like battle pets. xd

Battle pets matter. !


You join a group and pledge do assist them. After gaining their trust they give you cool stuff.

Then, one day, you abandon them for a different/ competing group.

You decide you’ve made a mistake. And want to go back to the first group. Do you think the first group welcomes you back after your betrayal, or do you think they now don’t quite trust you and that you’d have to earn loyalty back…

I do like them too!

The reason why I started doing battle pets was to beat the league in Pandaria.
It really felt like a meaningful goal achieved once I beated it.

Nice, did you beat the celestial tournament?

Yes that’s the one I,m talking, I’m comparing it to a pokemon league xd

Yeah, it’s not. If they wanted to do it, then they would have.

This whole, just let it happen cause maybe something better will come out of it is a terrible argument.

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Congrats friend, the reward pets are awesome!

It’s like doing that volcano experiment and wondering what will happen.

power that resets every patch/expansion at least the things he listed persist from patch to patch.

Id say it more of a bait and switch in this scenario, she wants you to make an assumption that has no merit in order to get something she wants at no cost to her.

“I never said it would happen, I just said it might” while we go through another lame expansion

Blizzard will do so in 9.1 like what they did with azerite armor. In 9.2 Blizzard will make a new grind like what they did with essences. Its Beta for Azeroth all over again or are we calling it Beta-lands now?

Yes but any systems don’t matter for those things nearly as much as they do for character power.

Maybe that’s a game design problem.
Maybe there’s too much centered about power that anything else doesn’t feel interesting.

I find Thorgast fun, and I did it in the beta for no power many time.

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