If you honestly believe the only reason people want the talents unlocked is for bigger numbers, then you’ve been pretty lazy with your reading comprehension.
Here’s a good analogy for any sports fans reading this thread. The poster above is equivalent to your average NBA 7th or 8th man off the bench on the Sacramento Kings.
As trends changed and the 3 point shot became the meta this player refused to develop a corner 3. They don’t follow trends and will continue to live and die by the midrange. 2 points is still 2 points and can help a team win but because of their choice they will never be as valuable as someone who can hit the corner 3 at the same clip. I guess they are just lucky to be on a team like the Kings where mediocrity is acceptable.
Still not a sport when the two that are actually supported are isolated from the base game.
But you do you.
And if you think the majority people don’t want Covenants open so they can gravitate towards the biggest number, you’re clearly not taking your own advice.
Another thread from a player that just wants everything, because apparently being able to make decisions is hard… why not just only ask for 1 class with 1 spec, with all the same capabilities, while you are at it?
So what? I thought you didnt care about trends? If these people chase numbers how dose that effect you? “Oh no that guy is going to min max his damage! This will completely effect how I personally play the game!”
It’s funny how the contrarian trolls won’t stop replying to these threads. They like to talk about triggering people at the same time replying non stop to a thread about a topic they don’t care about. If they really believed covenants will remain as they are in the beta and Blizzards vision is the best way forward why are they constantly replying and trying to make their point. Especially when they don’t care about what min-max trend setters do. I think I know who’s actually triggered over #pulltheripcord.
People were not forced to make decisions - now they have to make them. Better for the game, overall.
What a stunning lack of awareness on your part for not understanding the need for more viable options than just 1 cookie cutter build for everyone… All that is being advocated with this inane #PullTheRipcord whining is one build for everyone.
I’m sorry, you can’t wave away consequences without getting called out on it. That’s pretty selfish to think you should be exempt from consequences, but ‘muh moral authority’.
There are far more combinations of Azerite Traits, Essences and Corruptions than there are combinations of Conduits, Soulbinds and Covenants themselves.
Yet a best build rose to the top for every single spec within the game. Often by large amounts.
Why on earth do you think Covenants will be any different?