There will be for most thing, that is the reality of current covenants design. Most classes have 1-2 good covenants for pve that are the same for all their specs.
Pull it. Don’t ruin another launch.
I’d like to actually enjoy this expansion.
When the dissenting opinion is from players who don’t care about how others play the game? Yes you are a troll. You’re free to stick with one covenant and never change for RP reasons, we’re free to swap at will and play the way we want.
I’m sure you’ll bring up a “slippery slope” type argument next about how if they are open you’ll be expected to constantly swap or how if they let us have the abilities next we’ll have outrage threads over not getting access to every mog/mount but those types of arguments are based on a logical fallacy.
The only real outcome is that there’s a best “generic” build, for most forms of content.
Or people hyper-specialize for certain types of content.
For some classes, the best option is the first. At the moment, there’s no reason to play any Covenant besides Necrolord for classes like Warlocks since every other Covenant only has minor corner cases. But as it stands, you’ll see almost every Warlock going Necro because it’s the best for 90% of content.
A generic build will exist, and looking at your current character, I see no reason why you yourself wouldn’t play it.
If wE cAn SwAP cOveNant’S, WhY caNt RoguEs gEt BlOoDluSt?
Blood DK-Night Fae
Unholy DK-Night Fae
Frost DK-Night Fae
Specific BoS Frost DK build-Venthyr
DK PvP-Necrolord
Pretty generic if you ask me.
What’s funny for me is that with current designs, I don’t have any reason to want to do pvp as a pver or atleast less than in BFA. So having a covenant that can fit pve 100% is pretty easy.
I’ll add venthyr mage to this list. The way things are going, you’d be crazy to pick anything else if you want raw damage.
Samesies. Stepping into an arena or BG with Night Fae which I’d choose for tanking purposes would feel pretty crappy. Maybe I could make it work as a Blood DK in BGs using the with slow on the Deaths Due and pheromones Legendary but I’d be hamstringing myself not using Superstrain…and Blood dmg and healing is so trash in PvP.
I grinded Vanilla BGs like mad and pushed Gladiator in S1 as a healer for the mount and 310% speed(you could only purchase up to 280% at the start of TBC). As I got older and cared less I would just play casual BGs up until WoD. Legion templates and BFA scaling ruined it for me. Now it’s scaling + not being able to have the optimal build because of a “meaningful choice” that doesn’t exist.
Superstrain has gotten nerf a lot, I’m not sure I would consider it anymore even as tank.
It got nerf by 75%.
The argument isn’t bout me specifically, never has been. Im advocating for player choice because, at the end of the day, everyone can have fun playing with all the new abilities we temporarily have for this expansion.
You argue that people should suffer the consequences of only playing a single covenant in which they have almost no way to knowing if it will be good for the content they wish to participate in. And will never get to use the other three abilities specifically designed for their class, without an amount of work that would make your previous effort be wasted.
So whos the selfish one here? The one who wants the game their way and all the others can just “suffer the consequences”. Or the guy asking for freedom of choice?
“muh moral authority” indeed
The way this is going it’s going to be class halls 2.0.
All Rogues to maldraxxus.
All DK’s to night fae
All mages to Venthir
Anyone who does not follow…well…we don’t speak of the others.
Isn’t it still the only real additional DPS legendary for Blood though? I was planning on the Vamp Blood Legendary for M+ paired with Rune Tap group heals(nothing beats Blood Utility) anyways. I just meant if I was crazy enough to try to PvP as a blood DK. Honestly I haven’t played the beta in a few weeks. I lost all interest with all the Torghast changes and pretty much being forced to choose the most aesthetically displeasing covenant if I ever want to do high end M+ keys like I did in Legion.
You’ll probably be using something else, or even the general non-class specific legendaries.
The one who wants the game changed to their whims, or the one who wants to play the game as intended?
spoiler alert It’s the guy asking the game developer to make the game more accessible.
I guess you never played older MMOs. WoW succeed over them all because it was more accessible compared to something like EQ.
The problem is maldraxxus lets destroy it and plant gardens, put around tons of throw pillows, fabreeze it and fill it with large screen TV’s and beer fridges on each corner!
And believe it or not, people still couldn’t handle it and asked WoW to be even more accessible. So these people wouldn’t be able to handle Vanilla because it’s too ‘restrictive’.

I’m sure you’ll bring up a “slippery slope” type argument
Yes and no. But will you take your own advice and not care when I want my warrior to have access to several things my surv hunter has, like mortal wounds, a non-talented stun, an offensive dispell, turtle or CA?
EQ never locked you into any choice. You gained or lost rep due to what you did. EQ was grindy, not restrictive.

I’m sure you’ll bring up a “slippery slope” type argument

But will you take your own advice and not care when I want my warrior to have access to several things my surv hunter has, like mortal wounds, a non-talented stun, an offensive dispell, turtle or CA?
The definition of a slippery slope logical fallacy people! I rest my case.