
5000 posts, sheesh

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Well he is the game director. Which as most people with the title of Director he directs how the game will end up. So if he doesn’t want the systems why the **** is he putting them in the game to start with. I am sorry but I do not enjoy every one of my favorite classes being turned into garbage.

Paladins Holy power the infection is now in all 3 specs. So key tanking abilities and healing abilities will be locked behind holy power. Which there was a thread stating how HP generation for prot is not good enough to keep your mitigation up as you should. They turned enhancement into a joke for 2 expansions.

Then there was the pruning which removed iconic abilities from Paladins and Specs of shamans and other classes that people liked and want back.

I am sorry but My original statement stands Ion is Inept in his Direction of WoW.


You are shocked that he doesn’t rush home after his 9-5 working on the game to raid 6 nights a week on the game like he did 15 years ago?

Tell me more.

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why is ion even lead dev them? its clear he plays like a casual scrub who is looking for others to carry him. no thats not what a lead dev should be they should be someone who is doing mythic content with a full group and not being carried by anyone.

know what if he’s doing bs like that maybe he should go find a game more fitting for him to go be a casual in. i hear the tortanic is looking for a new captain of the sinking ship. or maybe he can go join the scumbags over at bugthesda.

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What point are you exactly arguing? I’m not forcing him into raiding in a 3 night guild.

That’s his choice. If he is unable to keep up with the system he greenlights maybe he should consider how other people feel about them.

He’s not the only one who works a 9-5 job.


It is his choice. Maybe he wonders why players get so tilted when he is able to clear content with rank 2 vop.

Or that Rank 9 Cloak…

My raid has been selling two carries for Nzoth for over 2 months.

What’s your point? The content can be cleared with 18 people.


Exactly. Which makes the nerd rage about essence grinds confusing. Since we know the content can be cleared by people with rank 2s, in suboptimal specs with wrong corruptions.


Sorry I’m still missing your point.

#PullTheRipcord though brother, thanks for supporting the cause.


You usually do. Reading anything that doesn’t agree with you is not in your arsenal.

No thanks on the ripcord though. I’ll take reasonable balance on them instead.

No I’m genuinely trying to figure out what your point is.

Of course you can clear content with no gear or no content, or with 19 people.

Doesn’t mean it’s fair he was underperforming while the rest of his raid had BIS essences, corruption and max level cloak.

Sweet summer child.


From what I understand he plays a resto shaman. And do not get me wrong I love shaman. But how can the Lead Game Director play a class he has let the class design team turn into a class with such bad defensives and removing most of Shamans iconic abilities totems.

Enhancement is unknown about its viability for SL. Ele that was just a joke remove maelstrom and put in a different system only to remove the new system for the old and not change back a lot of the abilities for the old system.


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This is really good feedback. I haven’t seen this yet mentioned so quoting to see if this has changed in the ensuing 10 days from this post.

I bet this would also affect tanks queueing or entering a dungeon during leveling, which would be a bummer - can’t really get a feel for the abilities in the overworld…

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Even their proposed solution they spitballed about having an area where you try abilities out doesn’t replicate the experience of being in a raid, in a key or in an arena.

It’s just not the same thing.


So, Master T, is it true that covenant abilities that are temporary (ones learned from the leveling process) are deactivated in dungeons (possible instance content?).

No I think he is expressing that if he doesn’t want to rush home and grind any more then they shouldn’t inplament systems that force us to either.


Also who waves about having a 9-5 job? I’ve got a 8-5 Job and i still manage to do the minimum to not be a slacker to my raid and we only raid two nights (3 in Slands!)

If a chef doesn’t want to eat his own cooking, why would you?