Blizzard is removing posts because sad people who have no life are reporting these threads.
Blizzard wants to silence us
TIME TO BE LOUD! They are trying to silence us!
Multi Boxing armies of reporting are raining down!
Blizzard is removing posts because sad people who have no life are reporting these threads.
Blizzard wants to silence us
TIME TO BE LOUD! They are trying to silence us!
Multi Boxing armies of reporting are raining down!
People need to wake up! Blizzard is seriously acting like a supreme leader… deleting these thread topics like no tommorow! no mercy to silence us… THE PLAYER BASE!
Lemme guess: QAnon
Asmongold supports the movement.
We gain strength brothers and sisters.
yeah i watch his videos on occasion. he has hated this system for awhile as is,. It makes no sense. they really should decouple the power from the covenants.
Updated the original thread for people who call me selfish.
I already played multiple shamans on retail and planned on playing multiple shamans in Shadowlands before covenants were even announced.
The success or failure of #PullTheRipcord was never going to harm me.
They probably have the redesign ready to go .
This whole pulltheripcord movement is based off something Ion said during his interview with Preach.
Yeah, why are some haters of the movement trying to act like we came up with this.
Funny thing that most people like the system the way it is or don’t care because if
You add up all the posts it’s .5% or less then the actual database. That’s not enough for them to even draw a concern.
Hey dude, I plan on maining a healer in Shadowlands. I am not planning on questing as resto while levelling, so I don’t really get to test how my abilities function at all. Feelsbadmad
This is still a very serious issue, very few healers will level up as a healer. Disc might be the only outlier where it’s great to level as.
Pull the ripcord! Let me choose the covenant I identify with!!!
Necrolords all the way!
You’re entitled to your opinion and all but I’m sorry Kyrian is the only choice.
Imagine wanting to pass on these bad boys.
Covenants should be open and free to jump between because it makes sense to the lore to be able to. Now the conduit system with only being able to change them once a week is my biggest issue currently. Not so much covenants. Im going to be running all 3 priest specs in SL and when the “ideal” dps soulbind is already being used for your main healing spec and you cant freely change it out or you might be screwed on doing some content because of the lockout, THATS a problem. Im noticing that some of the souldbinds feel like they are more tailored to pvp too… so for me who could give two shats about pvp, that would mean im now stuck with only 2 soulbinds to work with and then the feeling of being gimped on my OS because of a lockout.
I have said many times Ion is Inept and he is running wow in a point that is not what most of the players want. But it is his grand vision of wow. So yea for wow to get better Ion has to either wake up and see what we want or he will have to be fired or quit so we can get someone that is not inept.
Yeah, the only silver lining is if all these features come out planned the collective outrage plus with huge unsub train might get him replaced with someone who cares about the game.
Well I wonder if he is pushing the game in the way his guild wants it to be. He was the leader of a raid guild called Elitest Jerks. That was his qualifications. I dont think anyone can be this Inept but then again (looks at ea) meh nevermind that.
WoD private servers are waiting for you.
He is the leader of EJ however multiple times in this expansion bosses have been changed/nerfed once his guild gets to it.
It was a joke at first of how close the timing was but now it’s almost always the case.
Other fun facts
He is greenlighting systems not even he wants to do.
If he doesn’t want to do the content why do we? Who is he creating this content for.