I don’t see Blizzard doing anything about covenants before launch.
I think they will heavily redesign covenants in 9.1, so roughly 2 months after launch.
I don’t see Blizzard doing anything about covenants before launch.
I think they will heavily redesign covenants in 9.1, so roughly 2 months after launch.
#pulltheripcord I see no reason this cannot be swappable like talents/specs. Similar to classic where you mained one spec on your toon, but it is 2020 let me multirole without feeling gimped.
Good morning, and what a wonderful morning it would be if we could #pulltheripcord.
Don’t want that to happen, there might be instances of major server lag!
I stand with the movement #PullTheRipcord!!
If we are going through multiple zones helping the residents of that zone, is it too crazy to think that we might also learn some magic from them separate from making them our main squeeze?
I want to choose my armor separate from my abilities, I want to feel good about choosing something that looks cool. But i still want to perform at my peak performance possibility, why do i need to be punished for that?
Oh gosh darn it Blizzard #PullTheRipCord
If it doesn’t matter what happens in that expansion, it shouldn’t matter what happens in this expansion, right #pulltheripcord
#Pulltheripcord #dontcatertobads
Team Ripcord,
If you want #pulltheripcord to gain more traction among those on the fence or leery of it’s most vocal surrogates, it would be best to avoid posts that show contempt for players who haven’t done as much as you in-game.
Papa Z
You’re bound to make enemies if you stand for something.
Bump the post let blizzard know to #pulltheripcord.
We may not agree with everything here, but we select group can agree to #pulltheripcord
Make WoW a great game, and make shadowlands great.
I think Margarita (sp?) posted it earlier, but Covenants just aren’t good choices.
You can have a need vs another need and that’s a good choice.
You can have a want vs another want and that’s a good choice.
But when you have to sacrifice a want for a need, that’s when you’re entering feelsbad territory.
Covenants are literally my only complaint with Shadowlands. But oh boy is it a doozy.
Everything else looks so good.
Just going to bring up another issue that a lot of streamers and testers have been bringing up. Which is that your questing is supposed to be the time for you to test and play with the abilities before making your final choice at level 60.
But some of the abilities literally do nothing for you when questing, but are godlike in M+ and Raids. So there’s going to be a lot of people who ignore amazing abilities because they were let down by it while questing.
Did you loot?
I think you just jinxed the SL expansion in its entirety.
Not even in the most common sense of “mobs die too fast for this ability to be useful” or “buffing other people doesn’t really do much in solo content”, but there are a bunch of legendaries, soulbinds and conduits that either directly, or indirectly buff your choice.
Necrolords ability for Affliction is a big one.
The immediate thought that many players are going to have is that Night Fae or Venthyr will be the way to go, because the ability working with Malefic Rupture feels like a no-brainer.
But one of our legendaries increases Drain Souls damage by a HUGE amount and stacks with Decimating Bolt.
So a scenario you never actually get to test is one where Drain Soul is by far your biggest source of damage, especially in an execute scenario, where Drain Soul does absolutely mindboggling levels of damage, far beyond what any Covenant could come close to (and will probably get Aff nerfed to the ground soon).
But you don’t actually know that unless you’ve been closely following the Warlock discord and other similar discords or websites.
If you’re the kind of person who goes into an expansion with absolutely zero information and just figure out new stuff as you go, you are screwed in Shadowlands.
There are going to be a lot of people who are going into Shadowlands without even knowing they are going to log in at level 50 and are going to be confused as can be. Day 1 of the prepatch this forum will be flooded with “WTF, another squish?! Why am I so low level now!”
Blizzard back in the day killed snapshotting because it created such an immense gulf in skill between people who researched their class and people who just played their class casually.
I can’t even begin to imagine what the PuG dps meters are going to look like in SL. How could you possible know what the best Covenant, soulbinds and conduits will be unless you’re following a discord or checking icyveins every patch.
If the balance of all of these systems are going to be as bad as they have been the patch few expansions then I wouldn’t be surprised if another addon (like Raider io) showed up just to at a glance let you know if someone is gimping their class or not.
And that’s assuming that there isn’t some gigabrain 5head interaction that no-one but Rextroy can see that breaks the entire game.
I can’t wait for the first major balance update to Covenants.
Blizzard killed snapshotting cause the alternative was not making busted trinkets, or finding a way to deal with Warlocks breaking everything each tier,
Our bad.