… yea… but im talking about the 3 other threads that just popped up today about #PullTheRipCord
you should post that in those threads. this being the megathread isn’t really responsible for the spam. I understand spam can be annoying but posting about it on the main thread of the fight for pulling the ripcord doesn’t make sense.
This is old but i get you so much, i heal for my raid and will be healing in shadowlands, its very hard.
in my mind it was more of a warning to the masses who support this cause : " hey lets, as a group of advocates avoid spam so we dont have issues with the rest of the forum "
we have to change minds…
we dont want to turn into high elf meme threads.
Well…as a supporter of the high elf movement we tried not to spam. we had a megathread and it kept getting bombarded with bogus flags so we had no choice but to make new ones. Moving back on the subject of the ripcord again I understand what you are saying but this just seems out place in the megathread.
I dont want to be tin foil but i feel like there was a connection between the two.
just wanna make sure we aren’t hated or made the butt of jokes.
This is from a post I made earlier in the day:
Disclaimer: I have not been granted access to Shadowlands Beta. My opinions have been drawn from multiple sources, including interviews, “influencers”, forum posts, and articles.
I started playing World of Warcraft in 2008, during The Burning Crusade. Over these past 12 years, I have played every aspect of this game and at every capacity. I’ve gone from casual to hardcore, and back to casually playing the game. I am what you would consider your average WoW player.
Patronizing the Playerbase, Manufactured Drama, and Contempt
Their is a common saying in sales; Know your customer. To assume that the players don’t know what they are talking about is condescending. Chances are that if enough people are asking for a change, then maybe you should consider it. It can feel at times that the Blizzards Marketing team runs by the proverb “There is no such thing as bad publicity”. This only breeds contempt for both developers and consumers.
Why Covenant Abilities are Inherently Flawed
Covenants have been marketed as an RPG element within the shadowlands that the hero helps out along the way. As a thanks, they offer you their power as a form of an ability and spell.
It would make sense if the player only leveled through, lets say, “Venthyr” for him/her to be granted their specific ability. However, we will encounter three other distinct covenants with different stories. As it appears on the Beta, your choice of a covenant does not affect the narrative i.e.: all paths lead down the same road.
The covenant abilities will never be balanced because each one of them is suppose to grant you a different playstyle that benefits a specific encounter, at least in theory ;There will always be an optimal choice in a given situation. To pretend that these abilities will be balanced, at launch, is delusional.
Possible Solutions
Make Covenant abilities talent-like
- A simple solution in my opinion. Make it possible for covenant class abilities to be swapped out in rest areas.
Couple signature abilities with your current covenant
- To prevent the “Door of Shadows” meta, tie your current covenant with your signature ability. You will still be able to swap out class abilities in rest areas.
Its no secret that their is an element of the “sunk cost fallacy” in play here. As players and developers, we have devoted so much time to this game. It is only natural that you will get some passionate opinions . Everyone here can agree, aside from a few trolls, that we want this game to prosper. #PullTheRipcord
P.S.: Sorry if I’m all over the place with my post. I know that I could of done a much better job articulating my concerns.
i like that one allot xD
There are so many things factoring in which Covenant will end being the “best”, that it’s literally impossible to make an informed decision based just off what you use while leveling.
Especially since you can’t test half these things out without already committing yourself.
This is less an issue for myself and players with similar mentalities who obsessively refresh WoWhead for any changes, who get into the beta and can test stuff first hand, or even just follow the class discord.
I can make a reasonably informed decision about what’s best. But I also understand that the average player isn’t nearly as obsessive as I am about finding out new stuff about the games I enjoy.
My morning ritual is opening up 5 different websites or subreddits and scanning for any updates while I drink my coffee.
But what makes Covenants so much worse than Legiondaries, or Corruptions or even just Azerite Traits, is that it’s your choice that’s the wrong one. If you didn’t get (pre-nerf) Echoing Void, or your good Azerite Traits, or if Sephuz/Prydaz were your first two leggos in Legion, sure, that sucks. But it’s not your fault. That’s just the hand you were dealt by RNG.
Picking the wrong Covenant absolutely will be your fault. And that makes picking a Covenant because you like it feel so much worse if you don’t get lucky and happen to like the OP Covenant.
i’ve made multiple paladins on the beta, at this point i have an idea of what i like, don’t like and will be picking for the content i do and what spec. I am annoyed because some covenants are better for some specs in dungeons while others are better to different specs in raiding. Its just like i Push keys and i push raids. I enjoy tanking and dpsing off from when i heal because after playing the game so much i want to mix it up and we dont need all the healers all the time in raid, so i dps.
In the higher end, the choices you make affect 19-24+ people in raids, 4 others in dungeons, and your partners in arenas and BGs. It feels horrible when you don’t play well because congrats you’ve now let those people down.
Yup. It’s the double whammy of “well, now my character isn’t as good as it could be and because of that, my Raid/Arena/M+ team isn’t as good as it could be”.
It’s especially bad when you do multiple forms of content and you have to choose between being good at M+, good at Raid, or making two of the same class and gearing those characters separately.
The people who like to go into an expansion blind are going to be livid when they realize how much Covenants screw them over.
Good morning, dudes and dudettes #pulltheripcord. Just a daily reminder that meaningful choices are made every day, and you have more than one choice to make every day.
Just a reminder Blizz needs to #pulltheripcord…you know FOR AZEROTH!
This will be my best post ever.
This is a chance to make WoW fun again. Fun.
Yeah I said it.
I may do a lot of solo and queued content but even I understand this for the most part is a team game .
If I’m in a pug or running with my guild ,I want to be the best I can for the team.
Being able to change a covenant ability (imo class ones) on the fly to fit the situation does not detract from my rp fantasy of a MM hunter Mag’har Orc murder hobo.
I’m all on board with this. I just don’t see what’s the gain in denying us the ability to switch between Covenant abilities. Just have a single quest saying “All of the Shadowlands needs your help. You can switch between the powers of each Covenant, though only one Covenant will accept you as one of their own.”
And while we’re at it, make the powers spec-specific too!
We all want Shadowlands to be great. Come on Blizzard, it’s time. #pulltheripcord.
I wonder what would happen if they just started with the FUN and let it go from there? No hold backs, no conditions.
My god we may come back in droves and play multiple alts and never cancel sub.
hmmmm this maybe dangerous…they would drown in player subs.
No. There is still a month and a half before launch.
Blizzard should work their butts off trying to create a semblance of balance and only if the utterly fail should they then consider “pullingtheripcord”.