If they revert the GCD changes, #PullTheRipcord is an almost sure thing before 9.0
#Pulltheripcord, Blizzard!
Listen to your forum posters. Were here because we desperately want you to make your game a success! Others may see it differently, but you can trust team #Pulltheripcord. Look at your feedback on the beta forums! Heck, if what you say is true about already having a solution to the problem if it fails, why not even take that chance and just pull the rip cord already!
You deserve a win, Blizzard, and all the playerbase wants you to do is win. We don’t want WoW to fail, so please pull the rip cord!
also buff ret paladin mobility, plz
Man imagine how awesome this expansion will be if they pull it. I sincerely doubt we’ll lose any RPers if they do but we will undoubtedly have a smaller player base (not claiming a number) if people can’t do the content they want to.
2020 has been weird enough, why not make it weirder by making wow great for the first time in years?
I’m so glad Bellular got involved in this movement, twitter has blown up since his video.
#PullTheRipcord !!!
Oh man, that is good news
How many times do we need to make this mistake?
Honor Talents
Azerite Armor
Borrowed powers are bad enough. Borrowed powers behind a time-gate/grind are just incredibly frustrating.
I still rank BFA and Legion as the worst expansions as a result of it. Sorry but I don’t subscribe to the "best except " mentality.
I don’t like being spec locked. I didn’t like it in Legion. I don’t like it in BFA. I wont like it in SL.
How many times do you have to teach you this lesson old man?!
Looks like we have something in common, I knew there had to be something. This is one of the reasons I hang out on the forum. Most of the time the outrage here is both unbeatable and unbelievable.
Well someone else has joined the fight and got another
#pulltheripcord thread going and of course as usual Yesuna is there.
You don’t even play the game enough or have enough content down to know what its like to play at a mediocre level.
Why would your opinion even matter to begin with. You’ll probably play the new expansion for two months and then quit.
No Gene,
Don’t be baited. This thread is about positivity.
I’m sorry, it’s annoying, dude. Especially knowing the type of player they are.
You have no idea what I do.
You don’t know what type of player I am either. I’ve never even spoken to you. lol
Have yourself a great night.
Thanks for your opinion though.
Man, now I’m so curious! The secret life of Yesuna! Though I sincerely have no reason to doubt you rock whatever aspect of the game you play. You seem well-informed and knowledgeable, even if we don’t share similar philosophies on the game.
Pet battles, LFR and transmog collecting is your endgame?? Also maybe altoholic??
nice to see this is still going on.
i support this movement.
reckon they wont fix it till 9.3
BlizZard is trying to remake WoW into WoW 2 but people are not having it. Keep WoW the MMORPG that it truly has always been.
Pull that rip cord and watch the positive flow happen on these very forums.
yo i know you guys are angry about these situations… dont spam the forums. it devalues our points.
It’s not spam if contained in 1 thread and this issue is a serious issue, hence the comment count and the fact its on other media platforms.