I resubscribed so I could post on the forums, rather than play the game.
Even ignoring Min/Maxing I will never understand people who are campaigning for not having all of your abilities.
These spells exist, they are there you are just not allowed to use them. Then you have the complete mess of a covenant having a spell you really want, but the theme isn’t appealing for you at all, and it may or may not be a good ability.
You’re really just praying that your class and main spec of that class having your desired theme and power by random chance.
As a DK I really want the Maldraxus spell because it’s super goofy and fun, but it’s no where near as useful in most scenarios like the Night Fae one is. But the theme of Night Fae sucks with DK’s and the ability isn’t fun at all to use.
So I either have to choose to intentionally gimp my character in most scenarios just so I can play in a covenant that I actually want to be in.
We got a full video, #HashTagsDontDoAnythingByTheWay
They piss Blizzard simps off on twitter! I comment on one tweet telling people how great an SSD will be for SL about how I’m just building a whole new PC.
That way I can play games other the Shadowlands cause we’ll be waiting 6 months for the inevitable system changes like Legion and BFA. I got some pretty nasty comments.
Twitter is not a good place for discussions, it’s mostly people shouting at each others. Just block people that you don’t like.
It is very toxic on twitter at the moment if you try to state anything bad about systemlands.
It’s so crazy cause I didn’t say anything about anyone, just the game and people take that as an attack on their whole being. If you equate me disparaging Blizzard and World of Warcraft as an attack on you personally maybe I’m not the one that should be quitting WoW.
Well, I gotta add my name to the whole #PullTheRipcord biz. I wanted cov abilities to work but at this point I think there’s more to gain from just having a cov ability row to choose from than sticking with this current system that’s going to be impossible to balance. Just cut player power out of covenants, let them just be a choice of the theme we like best. It hurts nothing (but maybe some dev egos).
Glad you could make it, Peppermint.
I have NOT played on the Beta, however, after thorough research (YouTube Videos, Twitch, Wohead/Mmo-Champion News, etc.), I can say that the current decision for Covenants is awful. Please, let us have more options/balance them appropriately.
Welcome to the WoW forums and you have showcased you are a valued member of the WoW community.
God Bless this forum Topic & Timba.
God bless you, Phatfarm
I am a Guild Leader of a Heroic ONLY raiding guild we do not do any mythic raiding. We have always achieved AOTC as a guild since MoP, I am posting here to add my voice to #pulltheripcord. I rarely voice my concerns on the forums as you can see by my post count, I am however an original player since Vanilla who has been playing all these years and have been the guild leader of a consistent and strong non MYTHIC raid guild. All these years having been both the guild and raid leader has taught me ALLOT about the types of people who play this game, that has helped me I feel to see what the Staff at Blizzard have failed to understand for coming on two expansions now.
First, the game is to hard for the average player. Around 70% of the people who can make my guild's raid times and have the desire to become better I am forced to sit because they cannot make their class perform even up to the standards asked of a Heroic Raid clear.
Second, those same people want so BADLY to be good at this game they will read EVERY website and use EVERYTHING in their power to muster enough damage or healing to make the raid team, these are good people who don't deserve this but since WoD this issue has gotten worse and worse every expansion.
Third, these people know they struggle to make raid teams and get invited for content, because of their lower numbers. So not only will they use a website to tell them how to spec their characters. But they will reroll to the class with the best damage, basically they will use anything and everything just to make the team. (Keep in mind I run a Heroic only guild so our standards are very low, yet the majority of people I have recruited over the last seven years fall into this category).
Fourth, and this has to be very clear to Blizzard these people ARE the majority of people who play this game. And they are extremely unhappy with the way the game has been the last two expansions. They want to have friends they want to enjoy the group content and they want to become part of a community, however the more complicated the game gets the more those people get frustrated with their efforts to fit in somewhere.
Fifth, I have lost good friends over this issue who used to be able to make the cut in MoP or WoD, but as this game became more and more complex I was FORCED to sit them from the raid team. Most of those people have now quit playing WoW as I had no choice but to find people who where Heroic capable and they looked and looked for a raid team to fit into with no success.
Sixth, as a self described guild and raid leader I am very concerned with the current plans for the next expansion, it seems as though they are doubling down on killing my small community by making it that much harder for people to make the correct choices to "make the raid". You see Blizzard these people who suffer at the lower end, which is the majority of the player base, will be the FIRST on the websites trying to pick the correct talents, the correct armor, the correct covenant, the correct conduits and the more difficult you make that the more likely people are to quit. I can easily see half my Guild quitting around month two when a covenant or conduit is nerfed and they are forced to regrind with another covenant it will be most people's last straw.
I have many stories of this happening, in Legion you stood firm on legendary acquisition, as many of my friends quit when their third or fourth legendary was yet another disappointment. Those people left until you added the vendor to end legion, than like clockwork all of them came back. The amount of people we lost in season two of BfA. When people realized how awful azerite armor was, and that we all had to regrind the same traits, again mass exodus of the player base. In truth if you hadn't added the update to the guild finder that was the end for my guild, we had lost so many people and the way war mode randomly put people into shards we had NO WAY to recruit at all, it was THE END.
Lastly, I truly believe you will do more harm than good by not #pulltheripcord. I ask you one simple question.
What would make you more excited for your new WoW expansion, being told if you want to make the raid team and have friends who will play with you, you need to choose X covenant regardless of which one you actually like. Or being told Blizzard made FOUR new abilities for your class and you get to swap between them all expansion like a new talent row, and you get to choose the covenant you actually like instead of the one the website says you NEED to be if you want any friends in this game because its not linked to player power at all its just something fun to choose.
Finally my perspective. I dread making a choice, ever since you released information at last Blizzcon I have been DREADING having to make this choice since I know I will not actually get to make any choice a website will make the choice for me. If I made the choice myself and went with the covenant I want then my guild WILL notice and they WILL look me up just as I would look them up if they consistently posted low numbers in my raid. And they will expect me to do just as any other raid member and switch to the covenant that provides the team more damage/healing. Let's say that I disregard that and do what I want, then I will lose trust from my raid team that my decision making is wrong and I will lose members. So no real choice will even be made in your current system.
Then as I always have I watched and waited, I saw the Preach interview and when I heard that Blizzard could just let us swap between the abilities. Not gonna LIE, that was the FIRST excitement I have had for Shadowlands this entire time. If I was told I am going to get four new class abilities and can swap between them at a rest area, I am actually excited for that, and fully believe it would greatly help to decrease the dire situation that most of the player base has found itself in for the last two expansions.
Well to be honest right now here is more worth the subscription then late term BfA is
Incredible post, what a champion.
I’d much rather they pour their sweat, blood and tears into actually balancing things rather than making it into yet another system in which we are pressured to “swap around talents” on a regular basis.
GCD revert incoming? Is this Blizzard beginning to pull the ripcord?
They said they would eval on a case by case basis. Could be the first eval round up.
Whoa, that’s huge. Let’s hope it doesn’t take them 2 years to fix covenants now.