
I’m so happy knowing you have 0 authority to say what Blizz is or isn’t paying attention to, especially when threads like these have a large number of people supporting it, contrary to the Anti-player, Blizzard white knighting you puke out on threads like these :kissing_heart:.

Just in case anyone hasn’t seen this very interesting video yet.



It’s September, which means it’s a good time to #PuillTheRipcord.






We think we went too far with specializations and want to return to cohesive classes so you can be a class again not a spec”

“You have to choose a covenant that largely only works with one of your specs and respeccing your conduits has a weekly cool down so you are trapped with a build”

I just want to play my class. Please let me play my class.

Great post by someone else



You are all seriously starting to look like a cult at this point, droning on and chanting your little mantra. It’s looking a bit creepy.

I sincerely hope Blizz doesn’t cave to the likes of you.





People are not asking Blizzard to cave to anything. It’s their game, and their decision, we are voicing concerns and opinions because we care about the game.

I mean, if Blizzard sees more people being unhappy with covenant lock and somehow decides to #pulltheripcord, how is that caving to anything? I hate getting political, but isn’t that how democracy works?

In fact, if more people are concerned about covenant locking, it would actually make you the cult, by definition.

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#PullTheRipCord AND do something about assassination rogue with the “slice and dice” problem… to many skills to activate until finally we use finishers!!!

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Could say that about the “meaningful choice” argument, which is being thrown around by people who know very little about the system, if anything, and all they heard is and idea behind a system. They were promised a dream reality and they chose to blindly believe that promise no matter what. Sounds a lot like a cult.

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This is the main downside of this expansion so far, now that they’re making a bit more of an effort to streamline classes/specs.

SL has a lot of positives going for it, but this one negative decision could poison the game experience for a lot of players.

There is no need to restrict players like this. They can easily put the covenant abilities into their own SL talent tree, with the same restrictions as our current talent trees.

I urge Blizz to listen to the massive feedback and not antagonize the playerbase further by design that echoes their decisions around pre 7.3 legendaries, azerite, essences before vendor, and corruption.



Just got done watching the Bellular video that came out earlier today and, frankly, it seems like this arbitrary “mUh rPg” thing needs to go. We will end up helping all of the covenants through the leveling process and through daily quests anyways, so turn the abilities into an additional talent row and let us choose which one we want to use. The RPG element can come from the aesthetics, zone, and home base we decide to support, and the player power elements can be an additional level of customization that can be swapped between at will to suit the type of content being consumed.

I plan on heavily playing priest and druid next expansion primarily for PvP, but with some PvE thrown in for fun. Having one or more specs that are arbitrarily gimped in one of those areas will absolutely, 100% result in me (and others) being pissed off at the game and diminish the enjoyment and incentives to play. With PvP participation already at an all-time low, any type of system that further disincentivizes participating in PvP is irresponsible and unnecessarily damaging to the game. We should be given the tools to play all types of content at the highest level.

Thinking back to BFA, the Azerite powers on gear came with an expensive, completely arbitrary re-spec cost. Starting out the day by PvP-ing on Disc with one set of traits, then swapping traits to do M+, then swapping again to play shadow for solo content ended up making the entire thing a massive chore that drained gold and left me (and many others) not wanting to do it at all. AT LEAST you could RNG farm entirely separate gear sets for different content types in BFA, but that type of workaround is not going to be possible with the currently planned implementation of covenants. It is flabbergasting that Blizzard can’t see what an absolute disaster this mindset of arbitrary limitations has been for the entirety of BFA and how it will continue to be that way throughout shadowlands if they don’t stop it before launch.


I just watched Bellular’s video. Here’s the thing: he’s not wrong. He and Preach and others MAY be overstating things just a little about how much it will negatively impact players who are looking to pug M+ or raids, but probably not.

I want to be able to play the covenant of my choice that goes along with the character, the aesthetics are very important to me. But anyone who’s spent 5 minutes in the alpha or beta knows this: there are good choices and bad choices that go along with that. Those good and bad choices are arbitrary.

Solution: Split the class-based covenant abilities from the aesthetics. Keep the main covenant ability (Bastion’s attendant, Venthyr’s door of shadows, Night Fae’s animal form, Necrolord’s shield) tied to the covenant. BUT… make the class one able to be changed like a respec. Have it tied to a “font of power” somewhere in Oribos where you go there to change that to mirror one of the class powers from one of the other covenants; every time you do it, it costs more and more gold. Just like the Azerite Armor respec cost increases. It can be reduced over time, same as AA. Unlock it with a simple quest about borrowing power from the other covenants or something, something quick and dirty that satisfies the lore requirements.

Let’s face it, the covenant class ability is the real issue here. So there you are. A fix we can all live with. Okay, maybe some of you won’t like it, but I guarantee it’ll be far less controversial than things are now.



While I agree with most of your points, I definitely don’t think they should keep the signature abilities tied to covenants.

Again it comes down to balance. Some of these abilities are extremely valuable for some classes. For example, the mobility from Venthyr/NF is super good for wheelchair classes like DK/Paladins.

On the flipside, Fleshcraft is not great for anyone outside of PVP I think. They just need to put all of them on talent trees unless they’re going to majorly equalize the utility that they offer.

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They caved to Classic player like you. Or you’re a bad troll with no real input other then shilling for the lulz.

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Quite the opposite, I don’t see much PvP use in it. At most you’d be able to get the 20% shield at the start of an arena or in BGs, but you’d never realistically get to the 50% shield from a “powerful” enemy, which should be quite easy to get in mythic+ in between pulls and in raids before boss pull.

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I think its funny the only people I see defending this are classic characters and a guy who could not even finish the first wing of LFR.


Ladies and gentlemen player 1 has entered the game.

Pull the rip cord. :+1:

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