Darn, I guess you’re right. Next time, I’ll make the choice to play the worst covenant for me so it doesn’t get nerfed.
smh my h
Darn, I guess you’re right. Next time, I’ll make the choice to play the worst covenant for me so it doesn’t get nerfed.
smh my h
Blizzard pull it you know you want to
Ah well, at least we can all sit back knowing we were on the right side of history for this one.
so it’s launching like this huh? What an absolute shame. So far I have tested on beta for my main (this mage), priest healing alt, pally tank alt, and my backup dps being hunter. 3/4 of them will be going to necrolord it looks like (mage, priest, hunter) even though if i could have my meaningful choice in the matter I would pick venthir mage, kyrian priest and night fae hunter. The only toon of mine that lucked out is Pally cause I’m going Kyrian on that on for M+ tanking. If i was raid tanking I would probably have to go something else and that would’ve pissed me off like I’m pissed off of my other characters. This system is so freaking stupid.
Thank you for fact checking that Rogue. Good work.
It is a massive win in my book.
I already have started to shine the new golden thrones for our new devs for 2021.
Good Morning
They say the best part of waking up is
But we all know it’s really pulling the ripcord
Ok maybe is the best part but that ripcord pull is a close 2nd
I got so happy when I woke up a few days ago and the first thing I saw on wowhead was the talent calculator with covenant abilities in it. My first thought was that Blizz finally came to their senses and baked them into the talent system…
…turns out it was just an updated talent calculator, because that’s what the abilities are. Glorified talents.
Why hasn’t this been pulled yet? Pull it! I wanna see the parachute!
You did it!!! Bellular JUST released a video referencing #pulltheripcord
#pulltheripcord Blizzard. Activision I know you see this too. At this rate you guys are going to overtake EA as the most hated company in the US with a worse system than the previous two expansion…plus all the 50-60 year olds that casually play WoW who are finding out their potato PC’s don’t meet minimum specs.
Pretty sure SL is going to be about as well recieved by the gen pop who don’t frequent forums as Warcraft 3: Refunded. I know calling it Systemlands works but I think we could also go with World of Warcraft : Shadow of its Former Self
I would expect more videos like the Bellular one the closer we come to Shadowlands.
Couple interesting comments on that video as far as covenants feedback go.
And basicly what it comes to, there’s not much downsides to open it up moreover if they know it’s not well balanced before launch.
Save Shadowlands pull the rip cord.
Save this expansion before it dies #pulltheripcord
What a lovely day to #pulltheripcord
Please do blizz. BFA was a catastrophic mess.
I’m so happy blizzard ignores people like OP.