
Yea, that hasn’t happened in 15 years, so keep the dream alive I guess.

I agree, balance is by far and away the most important part of covenants they need to get right in order for the system to be a success.

Unfortunately, I don’t believe blizzard are capable of this. Why? Because there is no evidence to support the claim. I mean, in Blizzard’s words, Covenants are supposed to be more comparable to class identity. However, when has Blizzard ever been able to get class balance right? The answer to that riddle is never. In every patch, in every expansion, the highest throughput performers (in DPS, Heals and Tanks) are miles ahead of the lowest.

And this is the reason why I have to ask why they are even trying to introduce a system that requires near perfect balance to be successful. I know they can’t do, you know they can’t do it, the community knows they can’t do it and even Blizzard knows they can’t do it. Then what sense does this make? It’s a borrowed power system that will go away at the end of the expansion. Some people may feel that “RPG identity” that Blizzard is going for. But for most others, they will either not feel it at all, or feel it for the first couple of weeks/months and it won’t care about it past that. Then we are left with a system that only punishes players for a benefit that no longer exists.


Except Thomas Chilton was the last director from 2004-2016, and Ion has been game dev since. So, can you stop coming in here and spreading false information, and being a hypocrite. Thanks.


Again 15 years and still waiting for that MMO experience…

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Except you’re playing it?

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I was playing Everquest Lite from Vanilla thru Wrath. That’s was MMO-lite. Now, since Legion it’s more of a MOBA.

So I’m still waiting for the MMORPG to actually start kicking in.

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If you listen to ION in the Blizzard interview they actively try to make a #1, #2 and so forth. They never try and just balance it. They can’t balance anything right because they always come at it from this standpoint.

It’s like a 300 pound man choosing the best diet plans for people, it’s just not gonna work.

If it looks and tastes good. It’s good for you, yo.

Ahh yes the “see food” diet. My personal fav is the “the animals will eat my veggies for me” diet.

That’s the best diet.

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the I cry myself to sleep with a gallon of ice cream diet.

not the bad kind of crying, the good kind.

For about a month

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Covenants holding player power ransom isn’t really the way to achieve that. Not with how they’re currently set up.

Imagine being so determined to do something yourself that you’ll refuse to use knowledge from someone who knows more than you and does more than you with that knowledge.

MMO = massively multiplayer online. So you must be choosing to play solo if you are still waiting to experience that.


Tbf, that’s the majority of people who have heard what the system entails and/or have tested it. Just reading the specific feedback in the thread that blizzard asked for it (on the beta forums) kills all hype I have for shadowlands. People have been telling them over and over it’s a horrendous system that needs drastic change, and have even made tons of suggestions on how it could be changed, but they are stubbornly pushing this nightmare through.


lemme get my narrator voice going…ahem.

FROM THE STUDIO who brought you “juggling UA on more than one target is too hard so now its not allowed”, and such hits as “a 4 second cast to kickstart your damage” as well as “we want destruction warlock to use fire a fire build” and “whats a demonology warlock?” comes “your covenant’s effectiveness has been nerfed by 35% after heroic week”… coming to youuuuuu this falllll.


God I cannot wait for the post heroic week tuning. The tears will be immense.


I can’t wait for my covenant to be nerfed, and I have to refarm rep again with another covenant to become viable.


How else will you know that your choice was meaningful though?