Wonder if they tried to hire him? I can’t imagine they would pay him what he’s worth though. They probably tried pull the “privilege” card of working for Blizzard that is becoming less and less relevant as time passes.
Need choice vs need choice = meaningful choice
Want choice vs want choice = meaningful choice
Need choice vs want choice = pissed off people that are going to be responsible and choose the need but lament about the want that got dangled in front of them. AKA angry customers. Because they where taunted with things they knew they where never going to have.
This is not like the choice we made when we started our char’s, you can’t replicate that level of choice. NOT this far in and not in this environment.
Blizzard it’s time to drop this bone.
They’ll probably be excited in 15 -20 years about Blizz’s vision when they get Classic BfA
So what you’re saying is that some people would prefer to unnecessarily make things less likely to succeed.
Note that I’m not talking group composition here; the choice to build your character poorly is just that. You can feel proud of that if you want, but you’ll hit limitations faster than somebody who plays well and isn’t stubborn about doing what they need to do for better performance.
Hey now, don’t bring politics into it.
If you honestly think that, you need a reality check.
I would be very hyped for Classic MoP. >.>
That’s what we said. /eyeroll
I can’t tell if its trolling or fanatical devotion to Blizzard at this point.
To be honest, after the amount of time I’ve spent reading these topics, I’d venture to say both, actually.
The forum meltdown 1 month after launch…
its gonna be epic
and i will be watching from a distance, playing FF14.
I look forward to sipping coffee, watching the shills get entirely overrun.
Certain green posters getting outnumbered outside of an echo chamber would be wonderful.
Lol, pretty much this.
Nah, 9.3 after everyone has quit. The 900k people left playing WoW can have a game that isn’t terrible.
Save the game.
Remember that meaningful choices are something you make everyday!
#1) Meaningful choice (char creation) + time + other players + a 2nd meaningful choice (covenants linked with power) = Angry players!
#2) Meaningful choice (char creation) + time + other players + a 2nd meaningful choice (covenants) + 3rd meaningful choice (power) = Happy players!
It’s a simple formula, but #1 screwed up with the word “Linked”. Need should never be put in opposition to a want.
I love the fact that I’m gonna need to boost a 2nd hunter to play PvP on because my PvE covenent is garbage for arena. #pulltheripcord
Hopefully, they’ll hire a new game director who isn’t a diablo dev who actually knows how an MMORPG works.
I feel like when Blizzard chooses a skill that will be the best overall they make what should be my choice for me.
The Min Maxers just report on the choice Blizzard has made for us.
Then Blizzard telling us that they want me to have the freedom to choose all just seems like some sick joke from a sadist. Its a punitive choice and I get punished for choosing wrong and I somehow get punished if I choose right and don’t like the covenant. Very rarely will my covenant/class skill choice line up perfectly. And when it does how long before it’s nerfed?
It’s all a very sick joke.
Then by this stance there’s really no point in choosing other than aesthetics. Besides, we all know a good mog increases your DPS by 50%.
It’ll be like when Azerite traits were first introduced and everyone had to look up every day which one was better than the other until they finally, six months later after 8.0, balanced it in 8.1.
But, hey, by then everyone will have quit the game.
Also, how can we know for certain they actually have a fix for covenants if it all goes south? How much can we actually trust Blizzard at this point especially with all the feedback we’ve given them.
Well, they have said they will open it up if the system fails. Ion said they would “pull the ripcord,” hence the title. I believe it was in his interview with preach.
To me, of course, that just reads as them having no faith in their system already. So who knows what they’re thinking at this point.
Right now they are trying to balance things by keeping a #1,#2,#3, #4 in their brains. They seek to put one up on the top. That will always make a large variance that can never be adjusted correctly.
To hit the 5% variance they want they need to put in a legit effort to balance them all equal. Then that slim variance will appear naturally. Also people have different play styles with those skills so that will add to that variance.
They have to stop trying to put in a variance and aim for equal.
Don’t worry, some of us don’t need your help to play badly…we can do that all by ourselves.
yeah, let me afk auto attack in LFR and get free gear.