
But… it wasnt meaningful to begin with.


Can we get some more non max level characters posting in here please? It really drives home who is defending this system.


This is how we’re dealing with it

Same could be said if they pulltheripcord.

But that isn’t much a constructive discussion, no matter it’s just spite.
We all know it.

Wow is also not less of rpg if it didn’t have that specific choice in. Rpg is a very loose term. I’d argue that FF14 is more a rpg than wow and let you play all classes on single character.

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Absolute banger of a point Zoumz,

They’re allowed to have their opinion and so are we.

First time dealing with Yesuna? Also famously still wearing mud on their face from the months they spent defending no account bound essences saying it would never happen and to give up posting.

Feels like yesterday day, probably still reeling from that loss.


That’s not usually how it works with these “mega-threads”. It’s usually the same 3 to 5 people that even keep these topics alive by spamming it and bumping it. We, as humans, like to think what is important to us is important to the masses when the masses really don’t care about what we believe is important. This is a non-issue for the most part beyond a handful of players.

Many of us are thrilled with the implementation of such things in WoW.

Yea the real threads are on the beta. Like the one with 3.5k+ likes.

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Oh don’t get me wrong, I love having you in my threads - You single handidly kept my account bound essences thread topped for months alone with your replies.

You’re great Yesuna. Glad to have you here once again.


3.5k likes out of potentially millions of players. Alright.

That’s all one account, you silly death knight. :clown_face:

If you think even a fraction of that number bother to spend time on the forums you’re a bigger clown than i thought honestly.

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Still one of the biggest threads, they have made changes for less. People that played with them on the beta knows their problems.

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Except he does, as do other members of Blizzard that play even casually. Again you’re trying to put this philosophical spin on something with hardly any context, and hoping it sticks. For example Ion has gone through this expansion each tier, played it on his actual shaman that he raids on. Then addresses mistakes that were made and should have be adjusted and fixed when the players who play the actual game, and put in extra time to be part of that 1% mention something isn’t systemically good or fun. If you’d like you can comb through the dev blogs or the community live streams. As the burden of proof is on the accuser and not the accused.

So let’s go for round idk six or something.

Try again, do better next time. :smiley:

If the plate gets hot, then it’s because the plate contains lead in the ceramic.


Ah the hilarious connection between boss nerfs and Ions guild arriving on them.

People thought it was a meme until it kept happening.


Or you can learn to deal with us voicing our opinions to get a janky system to be less irritating and even make sense rpg wise.

It takes nothing to place blame on those that want a positive change. Just because you haven’t been affected by it right now doesn’t mean the system currently isn’t trash.

Some nice video I found, sorry it’s not a youtube link :frowning:


I mean the thing is, I’m not even referencing those because that’s just a relationship of causation. Which if that could be proven that would end every single counter covenant freedom argument that would ever come up.

It’s almost like this has happened each and every time… if anyone wants to check. Look at when Ion’s guild gets to any ‘wall’ of a boss for hell the last three or four expac. Then check when raid nerfs, spec buffs, system reworks happens. There is a big ol bit of causation of buffs and nerfs to that correlation of his guilds progression.

Maybe we should just stop opting to try and get a bad system fixed and focus on the real hot topics of the forums like

  1. You marry the person above you
  2. Who are your favorite forum posters
  3. You divorce the person below you.

Clearly this is the most important thing of the General World of Warcraft Forums.

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Blizzard doesn’t look to the forums for feedback…

Some forums, some people, a significant level of volume… they will take it into account. Not always in a way we appreciate, and not always in a way we can see/acknowledge… but they do.