

This is a movement.

Guys, I’m just hoping one day we can find a person who disagrees with the movement that is actually max level :clown_face:


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Imagine crying over 2-3%.

It’s like these people want to be in Orwell’s 1984, where everyone is the same because 2-3% variance is unacceptable.

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Imagine thinking it’s 2-3%.


Did you really just bring up 1984 to compare it to Covenants? This might be my new favourite post of all time.


Sir, Overwatch is on your launcher.

Sir, you can play dark souls if you want every decision you make to be able to kill you and matter. This the supermarket of game, not an edgy niche game trying to please people that like to hurt themselves.

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Sir, 1984 called you’re up for assimilation.


Even Preach has accepted that this ships as is at launch. But there is still hope for change before it has to be pushed to the first or second patch.

:+1: :pray:

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The first or second patch is likely the time it changes. At least then we see how the general population reacts to it, assuming there isn’t a massive wave of outrage prior.

And we get to see if blizzard decides that ‘rpg-friendly’ mechanics are the way to go or not.

Imagine that it’s only a 2-3% difference. When a best covenant for X content from X spec, more likely from testing to be 8-10% PER PERSON in said content.



Yank it so hard Sylvanas feels it.


That is risky because of many reasons.

First, BFA tried that and it was too late to salvage the expansion. Second, presuming the expansion launches Oct/Nov that means that the first patch isn’t going to come out till February at the earliest or even pushing into March due to holiday season. We saw this with the final patch of BFA and how the holiday season impacted testing and release cycle.

Can BlizZard gamble with the player base sitting there and accepting this current rigid design philosophy till Feb/March of 2021?
:man_shrugging: :woman_shrugging: :woman_shrugging: :man_shrugging:

Yes they can and probably will because Ion wants it his way or the highway.

Well then…I look forward with eagerness to a new dev team leading retail WoW to a new golden age in 2021.



There’s very little risk about the current scenario, and I don’t think everything about BFA is regarded as ‘badly’ as you think it should be.

Can they gamble? Without a doubt, especially with a backup plan in case of ‘failure’.

Edit: I type gooder.

The risk about the current scenario is so many people gave up on BFA because the initial systems were absolute garbage, even my extremely casual real life friends quit over nonsense like Azerite.

If they come back to Shadowlands to try it out and see early it’s just more convoluted garbage systems they will drop the game so fast it’ll give Blizzard whiplash.


Another BFA is a risky scenario. They waited too long with BFA for fixes. I see a repeat pattern and they are not surviving another BFA fiasco at launch.

I would argue covenant system is way worse than azerite armor. But I guess we will have our answer in a few months very, very soon. :100: :+1:

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To be honest a lot of us don’t want the covenants themselves easily switchable but to have them remove the player power from them .

One of the ideas I have thrown around is while leveling and doing wqs that you are sent to do by your chosen covenant for other covenants , you build up rep and earn that other covenant’s class ability then have your chosen covenants soul binds work with all of the covenant class abilities for your class and chosen specs.

You will still have your covenant loyalty but the other abilities would be like thank you for helping us , let us reward you .


Other then Ion