
It won’t be worse than right now, people already prioritize fotm classes in top end content. Choosing your covenant atm is part of that package. There’s already a list for which covenant you should choose if you’re playing a certain class xd

But yea #pulltheripcord

Personnaly, I don’t see any point in locking gameplay/fun behind unneeded restrictions that aren’t even supported by the lore.

Based on PTR being so buggy they can’t accord to pull the rip cord so late with the second patch. First impressions are everything!

Pull that rip cord and look stylish in the process.

:+1: :clap: :pray:

I know mine is Maldraxxus. I don’t want my main, the char I love the most to be eternally trapped in the covenant I hate the most with the design all because the class skill is too good to pass away.

With my alts it’s ok, with my main it’s not good.

Just putting my 2c in.

I’m fine with covenants as is. I think the concerns are mostly overblown, like most of the issues on the forums.


I want to be positive here but i’m not going to say anything, we know how it goes.

I feel that most people that think like this would be fine either way. :man_shrugging:

Just #pulltheripcord


Systemlands beta is a train wreck. I don’t see how they don’t pull the rip cord within the first month of launch. :+1: :clap:

I know you didn’t bother to look into it. Once you’ve been out of the cave and have seen the light. You can’t go back into it and reintegrate. That was the point you completely missed.

Ion has seen the business and management side of wow. It doesn’t matter if he still plays. He cannot divorce the experience from his perceptions.



Pull it!

Pull the ripcord!





Preach covers it so well here.

I agree.

When you introduce covenants and argue it is a meaningful choice to be locked into then the game play and story must work in unison. When you arbitrarily gate players for unknown reasons while the story does not gate players in such a way it is immersion breaking for a RPG or any MMORPG.

Imagine KOTR where I am slowly drifting to the dark side and all the characters around me do not see that slow change. Imagine if the storyline stays static and does not reflect a dark tone based on my choices?

That is what is happening with systemlands. You choose a covenant and that covenant tells you that you must go do world quest in an another zone to help another covenant. What?

You help the other covenant and they show contempt for your help while at the same time are begging for your help? That is not congruent with how any RPG that I have ever played should be constructed.

tl;dr: They built the systems first before the story and any consideration of RPG elements.




I’d rather see Blizzard make covenants cosmetic only before giving in to that. Making covenants easily switchable is going to make the game suck imo.

Locking player power behind “permanent” choice at this point in the game makes no sense. Let us choose the right tools for the right content.



Hope everyone had a great weekend, just a reminder as another week goes by to #PullTheRipcord


Or you guys can just learn to deal.

Leave that dang ol’ ripcord in, yo.


Agree. Learn to deal or find something else they enjoy. This mmoRPG needs more meaningful choices with consequences. As much as players want to turn this game into a Call of Duty or Fortnite style game where they can log on and off and do whatever content they want without character progression it’ll never be that way. I am thankful that the developers agree too.


I agree, pull the ripcord.

Going to icyveins and picking the best covenant isnt a meaningful choice.

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Having a consequence does, in fact, make it meaningful.

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