Welcome to the end. Next time, click middle mouse on a PC to scroll to the bottom and you get a “Back” button on your phone to drag you where you left off.
Reply also works though, lol
Welcome to the end. Next time, click middle mouse on a PC to scroll to the bottom and you get a “Back” button on your phone to drag you where you left off.
Reply also works though, lol
Actually no, even in high end guild (talking about world first 100) I don’t think they’ll do it. Because playing different classes at least is something different, playing the same class 4 times is just repetitive. And this is why people should be worried.
Those that already do split runs might. Or just players that want to do pvp and pve seriously.
But basicly they might just use their free switch for the hard bosses, which if they keep the BFA concept will only be the last 2 with the last one being the only really hard boss.
And they could just remake and gear characters that have all their free switch open up for the next tier.
It’s funny how many people say “just pick what Covenant you want, who cares about the meta” while simultaneously looking like a snapshot of Icy Veins talent/corruption/trait/essence recommendations.
Just stick to Classic. That sort of ‘rivalry’ or energy is never going to hit this game again. Its just going to be more of this same topic as it was this expansion, in Legion, etc. Keep the backward thinking to Classic and stay there with it, my man.
What’s that? Do I sense Froom playing the victim card?
Well that answers that. Your earlier posts reminded me of the typical delusional Trump supporter. This only solidifies it.
I mean, it’s basically what they are doing, every system added in bfa was way more restrictive when it came out, they are going in shadowlads with the same philosophy they had in bfa.
Every system added in bfa was also modified to make it more accessible, which is our argument really, we want them to stop putting in restrictive systems and to make them accessible from the start.
Some people find the challenge in making sub-optimal builds work more engrossing than picking the path of least resistance.
And it’s cool that they do, but decoupling player power from covenants and making it easily switchable would not impede this playstyle, if someone likes a sub-optimal build and wants to play it, good for them, don’t see why that should be the default decision for everyone now. Moreover when we have precedents of locked systems that were not popular and had to be changed…
That sort of ‘rivalry’ or energy is never going to hit this game again.
Sure it will. With covenants!
corruptions just made pvp stupid
That wasn’t corruption that was PvP scaling.
Por que no los dos?
True, corruption did make PvP stupid, but I’m totally abusing that PvP scaling on my WW monk later tonight since I lack corruption.
Also I’ve watched that video like 5 times and I can’t figure out what killed the Shaman. He just went from 90 to 0 instantly.
Not like…really fast, but actually instantly.
Edit: I see it.
Even the Alliance/Horde rivalry they shoved down our throats fell flat on its face. “You think you do, but you don’t” is pretty much the mantra of current Blizzard.
It’s just hilarious to me all the trolls hide behind classic characters twisting their brains trying to come up with reasons to listen to Blizzard and trust their vision when Classic was something they thought would fail and refused to do for years. Now we’re even going to get TBC Classic because fans do know what they want.
Player power being tied to a convoluted, restrictive advanced leveling system sure as hell isn’t based on the myriad of complaints and eventual fixes over Legion and BFA. In the words of the immortal CJ, “Ah … here we go again.”
PUll the rip cord.
This expansion can be saved because the first patch at earliest arrives in January of 2021.
Either systemlands sinks or swims by then.
Yank that cord out now.
Yawn good morning everyone
(sets out bagels and coffee for all people who are pro #pulltheripcord)
Continue the good fight!
I see it
The monk taking off his gear, which activates PvP scaling making ToD do tons of damage.
Is there a man who has dunked on Blizzard developers harder than Rextroy.