
No, I can just see where you want to go with it, and i don’t want to go there. So I wont bite. Sorry.
I’ll just wait, and reintroduce it in a few, on my own terms.

If you’re a parent I weep for their future since you can’t form a coherent argument to anything being discussed here. I bet you like to say, “because I told you so.” whenever they ask a question. You’re a troll, and a not a very good one. Why do all the trolls insist on hiding behind Classic characters? No point responding to you again.


Right, I want to see how the game has been trying to foster long term health and you’re unable to answer it.

This is a sensitive topic for them, they throw a hissy fit when they get called out for it.


K, feel free to ignore me. See if I care. hugs

I’m perfectly able to, I just wont in the way that you’ve framed the question.

Sometime I wonder if some people just want to watch the world burn.

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California is already on fire. Enough of the world is burning.

Either way he keeps the thread at the top of the forum.

When he realises how he is helping spread the message maybe he will stop.

Every MMO time gates. If you have a problem with time gating then an MMO isnt for you :man_shrugging:

I don’t care if it’s at the top, because I know this has ZERO chance of doing anything at all. That’s literally the best part.

Tons of mmos don’t have as much complicated timegating systems than wow.
Most of the time it’s just patch release content and then gearing.

What other games have the extent of time gating WoW currently does?

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Well the pinnacle of their achievements in WoW is beating MC 15 years after the fact…

I’m by no means a hardcore player nowadays. I peaked in TBC with raiding and getting Gladiator, but these trolls are just pathetic. They have the mindset of “if I suck than so should you” because they don’t know how to hit more than a 1 button rotation.

So you can’t attack my main’s achievements (because that’s all you people have in the end) and so you can’t send insults and death threats in-game.



The worse I had from my 7k posts was someone asking me once questions ingame because of a forum topic.

Fixed it for you :kissing:


No this is a totally real thing! Stop discrediting him ahhhhh!!!

It’s honestly way more pathetic that they seem to think any of that actually matters. Nobody remembers I got my full T1 set first on the BH server. Nobody remembers who did nax first without googling it. Nobody will remember any of you. It’s a pointless distraction.

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Lord knows you guys have no real arguments anyhow.