
It’s a shame they got rid of the old transaction page, I had a log of showing early vanilla where they gave free game time (1-2 days) because the servers were down most of the day.

I seem to remember us getting a week one time. I remember not being able to play for like 3 days.

As sub counts go down and down. I myself have taken long breaks in legion and bfa until system is fixed. My sub runs out here in 4 days and I refunded SL until they fix it. What a success these systems are!

RIGHT? My oldest one is from 2010 after I came back from Iraq. I think that’s when they migrated a bunch of stuff to the launcher and consolidated your Blizzard game keys under one account.

That time in my life is still fuzzy in my memory, I couldn’t get into or remember my Vanilla WoW credentials for some reason.

The game has always left people behind. This is nothing new at all. There were lots of you when bc came out, when wrath came out, and on and on. Wrath especially, since there was a huge uproar about 10 man raiding popping up.

Wow is still going strong.

You’re jumping through points so rapidly I don’t even know what you are arguing anymore I’ll be honest.

All those server mergers prove it too! /s


Damn, he has a family man.

There is like 240 some realms in NA alone. 16 year old game. Server transfers to mega realms. Of course they linked some realms. Proves zip

Proves they have a lot of dead realms on a 16 year old game. Your points(like many you are trying to make) contradict one another.

We’re playing a 16 year old game, the majority of people currently playing are heavily invested after years of being here. Casuals and hardcore players have been leaving over the past 2 expansions and not returning.

The olive branch of a level squish to the Classic players that haven’t touched a retail WoW expansion in years won’t be enough to persuade people to return when they see the convoluted mess that is Covenants. If anything it will push more longtime retail players away.

The broken stories, unbalanced abilities/soulbind trees, time gated multiple advanced levelling experience(AP and renown) will either push people back to Classic(which they haven’t figured out how to monetize without pissing off a huge portion of that player base) or push them out of WoW altogether.

Most of us have spent some extra money on the cash shop over the years for transfers, mounts, toys, transmogs and nu-Blizzard is willing to risk bleeding us players over the next few months because of sheer stubbornness from it’s lead devs.

As someone with a level 60 in Classic who has an active sub the phrase, “You think you want it but you don’t.” should remind you how far removed these people are from their fans. The hubris that they know what players want more than the players themselves is a joke. I know I am not be able to code, create 3d art assets, design coherent dungeons and bosses(most of this is top notch still). After 15 years of playing Warcraft I do know what I expect from a supposed AAA studio when it comes to how my class SHOULD play within the World of Warcraft and what I expect my 60 bucks plus 15 a month worth of content available at launch and throughout the expansion should equate to. These current devs keep creating arbitrary barriers of entry before we are able to play our characters at their highest ability and experience all the content available because they think they need them to stretch out content and keep that MAU high, but NEWSFLASH we don’t.

If it wasn’t time gated, I’d still spend the same amount of time in WoW because I enjoy the game play, and the people I play with. No other MMO since WoW has been on the market has felt as fluid or fun. That and the years a lot of us have spent here keep us playing, but after BFA which was the WORST game next to Warcraft 3: Refunded Blizzard has ever released I just wish they would listen to their longtime fans instead of their own inflated egos and pull the damn ripcord.


It’s never been about what you want. It’s about what is best for the long term health of the game.

In the last 12 or so years they have been moving in this direction. ----------------->
People got used to it. Recently, they have been moving <---------------------- this way, as a course correction because they went too far a while back.
Naturally you feel torn. And it seems insane that they are moving 180, from where they were headed in years past.

Most people fail to see the bigger picture, and how it shapes the future.

Imagine saying this after playing through BFA,

Did you play BFA? Not a single thing about the game screamed designed for the best long term health of the game.

If you quit on release then came back in 8.3, you had a laundry list of borrowed power catchups to do before you could start to pull your weight.

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52 minutes until my sub is up and then no more forum posting.

I’ll see you guys on October 26th :slight_smile:

Given that we’re getting locked covenants, I say yours is the losing side.


But they said the long term health of the game was prioritised, why aren’t you staying subbed?

You could level a new class to 120 today, then start farming to unlock essences, then start farming to level your cloak up, then start farming to buy corruptions oops wait your week is gone wait 6 weeks.

Time gated cloak
Time gated essences
Time gated corruptions
Time gated crafting
Time gated azerite


Or I could wait for Shadowlands pre-patch and level from 1 to 50 instead of 20 (or 1) to 120 :upside_down_face:

You’ve mentioned simping … and now every sentence is coming out starting with “imagine”. Just curious, are you 12?
Because you sound exactly like my 12 year old.
I mean … if so, you probably shouldn’t be posting on the forums.
Maybe you just have a big ol mancrush on pewds… I dunno.

You didn’t answer my question, did you play BFA and can you explain how any of the design choices in BFA reinforce your idea of the game is being designed for long term health of the game?

Otherwise you can call me a 12 year old again, whatever works.

Low content, low quality trolling :clown_face:

Wee woo irony alert.

Not every question is worth answering.

I feel like this is one you should probably back up.

Why would you bother saying something like below if you can’t provide any reinforcement for the point?

What are you 12?