
I don’t think of us care about if our imaginary accolades are remembered. We just want a good game.



But then there’s this guy using forums to tell people how they don’t matter, I’m not sure who’s worse.


Nobody remembers that PvP video i made in Vanilla with my fire mage banging out drowning pool… my enemies remember.

They’re still trying to mentally recover from the EPL destruction i caused.

Well atleast it checks out.

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Pretty much. I don’t need to attack their achievements to know they suck at the game if they think covenants in their current form are good for the longterm health of WoW. Everyone knows the rip cord is going to get pulled after the first or second patch. We’d just rather they do it now so we can enjoy the game and keep active with our friends/guilds without feeling like crap doing it.

Maybe it’s gradual or maybe they do it all quickly but just like Legion and BFA they will be forced to make changes to save face when those MAU numbers drop hard in the Q1 earnings call.

It’s extremely bold of Blizzard to think people will stick around and/or come back for 9.1/9.2 when Covenants are fixed.

Sure as hell people didn’t flock back for 8.1, 8.2


So much waste of time.

There’s already a release date, it is happening in its current state. You just have to deal with it already.

See the good side though, we might get a change of Game Director after this.

It just means more predatory like practices in game for tokens. Corruptions on BoEs made them a lot of money. It was a genius idea to try to convince people to come back for another new system and get some extra cash from the whales. Hell they probably knew the crap going on with Gallywix before 8.3 but held off to help keep the tokens flowing until they knew SL was close to being ready for early access. That’s what they are releasing in October, an early access game.

Some will, but to be fair. As the game is not really that different from BFA and will have its own new problems such as covenants, conduits and gcds. I’m pretty sure people that didn’t like BFA won’t like much Shadowlands. It’s more of the same, it’s better as it would be hard to be worse than BFA. But it’s not that game changer what they’re doing. If anything covenants are taking too much space atm for what more issues there are.

It would be far more worth your time to examine what they moved forward from bfa to shadowlands. What they doubled down on, what they backed off of. That would tell you the design direction.
For instance. They pulled back on AP endless grind systems.
They pulled back on king games style world quests.
They doubled down on azerite type systems.

Ap still exist.
It’s called anima power.
And yes it’s mostly balance on those systems, but those systems still exist. And those systems are bad imo *edit because they’re overbearing/overeaching.
Shadowlands could be way better with less than half of their new systems.

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Hate to break it to you all (no that’s a lie I’m giddy with glee to say it) but WoW is going to survive for a very long time despite your doomsaying and petulant childish whining.

Irony is strong when you read that post.
If anything the only one that can’t accept that forums are made for feedback and dialogues are you guys. Which show real maturity.

I’d like every1 to remember!

You still can’t test the covenants properly as a healer. Healing a dungeon is vastly different from raids. I don’t see Ion’s point about being able to test them before making our BIG decision. We can’t do that while leveling.

Just make the new abilities talents. Its big enough that each covenant has its own unique ability. Like that fox running thing or the venthyr teleport.

Limiting player choice is actually going against the RPG aspect of the game.



Don’t worry they’re totally opened to creating a zone you can try them out! Because that will perfectly replicate healing a m+, raid and arena environment.


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And at worse the way they’re designed right now, one will always be the best so they’ll just tell you in a guide which one to pick. Great design.

Yeah but Cali wants to become its own country so who cares! :clown_face:


Same company in charge of balancing covenants, conduits and legendaries guys.

This happened today.

Essences were already a stretch in pvp for me, corruptions just made pvp stupid.

Good lord, this thread still going?

Anyway, these systems are dog :poop:. I’ll be watching with glee as the forums erupt into chaos in the coming months.