
How would you know? The “vast” majority of wow players never visit the forums.

It’s a skewed poll!
It’s been botted
Information has changed since this was started!


Your right, I forgot all the times in game I have seen people saying how much they love losing powers over and over again.

Also being on different websites over the years and never seeing a single post about borrowed powers being liked.

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Confirmation bias. It’s a thing you should probably look up. And then there is the bit where your peer group likely reinforces your views. And that you probably rarely stray outside it.

ala … your view is pretty worthless in the grand scheme of things. You’d need to do some formal metrics.

They would lose less subs over the next 3-6 months if covenants were open. It’s BFA 2.0, or Legion 3.0 however you want to swing it they keep reiterating on AP. Now we also have renown on top of that. Sure Legendary items, the weekly chest, gear HOPEFULLY mattering a bit more since it won’t rain down like skittles from a rainbow, and pvp vendors (which will still probably have worse gear than what M+ rewards) are great changes. The borrowed power systems and time gated advanced level grinds are trash and do more to push away players than retain and gain new ones.

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They have been moving back towards this for years now. This is just one step

How? In BFA (you know, current retail) I have BIS sets for PvP, PvE, Enhancement and Resto.

I can the best in all my content with a different set of gear and at the absolute most 3 reforges.

What exactly has been smoke for this fire?

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Come back on here when covenants are unlocked in record time. Then we can go over your worthless opinions again. Again, this is same garbage that was legions leggos, and azerite gear, and essences and corruptions, all of which were complained about so much they had to change them, which is exactly what they will do with covenants.

So besides all of those borrowed powers being hated we hardly have any idea that these systems dont work . They better try it again.

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So you’re saying, all of those system promoted … exactly what timba was talking about. And then they walked them back a bit.

Huh … it’s almost as if they are trying to slow roll you … so you wont mass riot all at once when they rip the bandaid off.

Who would a thunk it. This supports exactly what I was talking about. gasp

So your argument that people like borrowed powers is backed up by them having to cave and get rid of the systems over and over and over again. Stop eating paint chips.

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  1. Bad system Released
  2. People complain because it’s a terrible system
  3. Blizzard fixes it a patch later.

I’m just trying to cut out the whole waiting a patch with this thread for them to fix the system.


Thanks for keeping this at the top by the way Lethal, you’re doing an amazing job.


No. Thats not it at all. Nobody cares what people like. They have been shoving this down your throat for years now. Piece by piece. Azerite traits unchangeable. Legion leggos locking you into one spec. Legion weapons getting ap for a single spec.

People riot … and they walk them back jut a tad. And then they move in the exact same direction again. Over and over and over.

I mean how many times do you need it to happen to understand this is EXACTLY what they want.

Yes, I’m sure they wanted to mass exodus of players that quit because of how garbage Azerite was and never returned.

They wanted it guys, they have the numbers

You’re a clown, the expansion release was so bad it actually killed the entire Horde OCE scene haha.


Your failure to see the writing on the wall is hilarious.

Blizzard wanted this guys! They wanted huge batches of players to quit because they released systems that are initially garbage, fixing them later definitely has benefits!



They know full well there will be some dead loss. You aren’t all that desirable anyways. You don’t even buy tokens.
They don’t think they need to be fixed, and eventually, they will stop doing so. Like I said, it’s a slow roll course correction.

Sure are reaching with your latest point here my guy.

Have you run out of ideas?

It must be hard to try and defend a system with no redeeming qualities. Don’t worry you can keep banging the meaningful choice drum.

Cling tightly Lethal.

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It doesn’t need me to defend it. It will get shoved down your throat regardless.
You just aren’t headed in the same direction the game is. It’s going to leave you behind, like it or not.


Siri: Youtube, clown makeup removal

Show me your oldest transaction and I’ll show you mine :slight_smile:

Edit: except I don’t know how to use imgur